NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/27 Lesson 6 Living in Manhattan (4)★筋肉痛★iPhoneとiPad用のCOBUILD英英辞書を購入






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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/27 Lesson 6 Living in Manhattan (4)


pony up
baby stroller
straight out of college


As a divorcee who lives alone, I can identify with that.

They're putting a premium on access to art, culture, entertainment and
fine dining over family life in the suburbs.

Offering an exciting, edgy urban vibe has become a real competitive
advantage for major cities.

Even cities whose  overall populations are sliding are seeing more and more
young, educated people moving into the middle of town.

If you didn't want to live with your parents, you needed a husband to take you 
away from the family nest.

Part of the reason is that younger Americans, especially well-educated ones,
are looking for alternate lifestyles.

They want to revive their downtown cores with an influx of young urban

That city is offering s $25,000 forgivable loan to buy accommodation 
in its downtown core or $3,500 on a two-year lease.

divorcee, 離婚した女性
masc. divorce 
fem. divorcee

a divorced person:

ex) Preference is given to physically or mentally challenged women, widows,
divorcees and those from the lowest income groups.

identify with, ...に共感する、...に自分を重ね合わせる
regard oneself as sharing the same characteristics or thinking as someone else:

ex) I like Fromm and identified with him.

put a premium on, ...を重視する、...に重きを置く
regard or treat as particularly valuable or important:

ex) He put a premium on peace and stability.

edgy, (流行の)先端を行く
<informal> at the forefront of a trend, cutting-edge:

ex) Their songs combine good music and smart, edgy ideas.

urban vibe, 都会の雰囲気
(usu. vibes) a person's emotional state or the atmosphere of a place as
communicated to and felt by others:

ex) We've been picking up some bad vibes on that guy.

slide, 下落する、減少する
change gradually to a worse condition or lower level:

ex) The country faces the prospect of sliding from recession into slump.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
family nest, 親元
alternate lifestyle, (これまでとは違う)別のライフスタイル、新しいライフスタイル
downtown core, ダウンタウン[繁華街、商業地域]の中心[部]
forgivable loan, 返済免除条件付き融資

forgivable loanとは?ということでDetroitのdowntownに住もう!というビニエット


As a divorcee who lives alone, I can identify with that.

They're putting a premium on access to art, culture, entertainment and
fine dining over family life in the suburbs.

Offering an exciting, edgy urban vibe has become a real competitive
advantage for major cities.

Even cities whose  overall populations are sliding are seeing more and more
young, educated people moving into the middle of town.

If you didn't want to live with your parents, you needed a husband to take you 
away from the family nest.

Part of the reason is that younger Americans, especially well-educated ones,
are looking for alternate lifestyles.

They want to revive their downtown cores with an influx of young urban

That city is offering s $25,000 forgivable loan to buy accommodation 
in its downtown core or $3,500 on a two-year lease.


pony up, (お金、金額)を出す[支払う、決済する]
shocker, ぞっとさせる[ショックを与える]もの(スリラー、衝撃記事などにも使う)
baby stroller, ベビーカー
straight out of college, 大学を出てすぐに[で]
college-bound, 大学進学(志望)の

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年7月18日 09:14に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/22 Lesson 6 Living in Manhattan (3)★クロール★禁断の学習法」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/28 Lesson 6 Living in Manhattan (5)★ポモドーロテクニック★実践トラベル英語(英国編)」です。
