NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/6 Lesson 5 Workplace Blunders (1)★アクアウォーク★フリーセックス





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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/6 Lesson 5 Workplace Blunders (1)


at the end of the day
many introverts make good executives
take something to heart
contradiction in terms
get something off to a good start


Workplace Blunders

I hear you were trapped in the bathroom last week and an NYPD rescue team 
had to be called in.

I banged on the door for a while, but there wasn't anymore nearby.

What an awkward jam to be in.

I decided to swallow my pride and call Paul to come and rescue me.

He kindly explained that the door probably wasn't locked, but was just 
a little tricky to open.

I'm glad to hear you were able to extricate yourself from a sticky situation.

I thought I'd be the laughingstock of the office.

I was happily surprised by the way everybody sympathized with my predicament.

I'm glad I wasn't in your shoes.

blunder, 大失敗、へま
a stupid or careless mistake:

ex) No doubt, America has had some terrible foreign policy blunders - 
some real, others embellished imagined.

be trapped in, ...に閉じ込められる、...から出られなくなる

prevent (someone) from escaping from a place:

ex) Twenty workers were trapped by flames.

bang, ドンドンたたく、ドンと打つ
strike or put down (something) forcefully and noisily:

ex) Someone was banging on the door.

awkward jam, (やっかいな)苦境、非常に困難な状況

<informal> an awkward situation or predicament:

ex) I'm in a jam.


causing difficulty; hard to do or deal with:

ex) This also means that you have to be prepared to listen to some hard
truths and awkward question.

swallow one's pride, プライドを捨てる、恥を忍ぶ

resist expressing (a feeling) or uttering (words):

ex) Depressed, we bit our tongue, swallowed our pride and voted Libertarian.

tricky, やりにくい、扱いにくい、面倒な
(of a task, problem, etc.) requiring care and skill because difficult or awkward:

ex) Completing one set of objectives or the other isn't too hard, but
completing them both is a tricky task.

extricate oneself from, ...から抜け出す
[with obj.] free (someone or something) from a constraint or difficulty:

ex) Her efforts towards extricating women, particularly Dalit women, from their
state of subordination in the society are well known. 

sticky, 面倒な、難しい
<informal> involving problems; difficult or awkward:

ex) Don't expect too much and make sure you don't  get into any sticky situations.

laughingstock, 笑いもの、物笑いの種
a person subjected to general mockery or ridicule:

ex) We are the laughing stock of Europe with our ridiculously high prices
for everything and our stupid infantile government.

predicament, 苦境、窮地、ピンチ
a difficult unpleasant, or embarrassing situation:

ex) The word crisis is too often used to exaggerate the predicament of a club
experiencing hard times.

in someone's shoes, (人)の立場になって 
be (or put oneself) in another person's shoes

be (or put oneself) in another person's situation or predicament.

ex) Yes, I know that sounds strange and mildly racist, but until you've been
in my shoes for that situation, you just don't know.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


Workplace Blunders

I hear you were trapped in the bathroom last week and an NYPD rescue team 
had to be called in.

I banged on the door for a while, but there wasn't anymore nearby.

What an awkward jam to be in.

I decided to swallow my pride and call Paul to come and rescue me.

He kindly explained that the door probably wasn't locked, but was just 
a little tricky to open.

I'm glad to hear you were able to extricate yourself from a sticky situation.

I thought I'd be the laughingstock of the office.

I was happily surprised by the way everybody sympathized with my predicament.

I'm glad I wasn't in your shoes.


at the end of the day, 結局のところ
many introverts make good executives, 多くの内向的な人が優れた管理職になっている
thrive, 繁栄する、成功する
take something to heart, ...を真剣に受け止める、...を肝に銘じる
contradiction in terms, 名辞矛盾、ことばの矛盾
get something off to a good start, ...をうまく始める

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年6月16日 19:35に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/31 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (5)★水中ウォーキング★Susan Cain: The power of introverts」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/6/7 Lesson 5 Workplace Blunders (2)★マイケルサンデル五千人の白熱教室★スーパープレゼンテーションの番組構成が変わりましたね」です。
