NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/25 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (3) ★すといっく★人は「○○するな」より「○○しなさい」といわれたい





2. 英語に関するあれこれ








■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/25 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (3)


strike up a conversation

Don't sweat it.

at one's fingertips

at all costs

out of place

come out of one's shell

get over oneself

strike out


I used to be a painfully shy wallpaper.

Schmoozing isn't in my DNA.

One gambit that often works for me at conferences is to compliment the way

a person looks.

Why don't you try that on for size?

That tack might work.

One way to keep your head above water in that kind of situation is 

to fall back on the tried-and-true business card.

It really does help if you write down a few things on a person's card 

to help jog your memory.

I use various little tricks to get the conversational ball rolling when I'm in a

situation where I don't know anyone.


wallflower, 壁の花、(パーティーなどで、内気なために)一人で片隅にいる人、



<informal> a shy or excluded person at a dance or party, especially a girl

without a partner:

ex) You can almost imagine him at the school dance as the wallflower,

smiling a secret smile to himself as he watched the gyrations and romantic

aspirations of others.


schmoozing, おしゃべり



talk intimately and cosily; gossip:

ex) Nearly once a month influence peddlers from different worlds gather to gossip,

and schmooze at his Hollywood Hills home.


gambit, 策略


an act or remark that is calculated to gain an advantage, especially at the outset

of a situation:

ex) His resignation was a tactical gambit.


try that on for size, それをやってみなさい



for sizeで「ぴったりかどうか試しに」という意味があります。


tack, 方針、方法


a method of dealing with a situation or problem;

a course of action or policy:

ex) As she could not stop him going she tried another tack and insisted

on going with him.


keep one's head above water, 何とかしのいでいる、(借金をせずに)どうにか



avoid succumbing to difficulties, typically debt:

ex) We have managed to keep our head above water in the last 24 months

despite increasingly difficult market conditions.


jog someone's memory, (人)の記憶を呼び覚ます


cause someone to remember something suddenly:

ex) It jogged my memory and I remembered an article I had read in a Sunday

Observer sometime earlier this year, say in March or April.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


get the ball rolling, (...を)始める、(...の)口火を切る

tried-and-true, うまくいくことが立証された、確実に信頼できる


I used to be a painfully shy wallpaper.

Schmoozing isn't in my DNA.

One gambit that often works for me at conferences is to compliment the way

a person looks.

Why don't you try that on for size?

That tack might work.

One way to keep your head above water in that kind of situation is 

to fall back on the tried-and-true business card.

It really does help if you write down a few things on a person's card 

to help jog your memory.

I use various little tricks to get the conversational ball rolling when I'm in a

situation where I don't know anyone.


strike up a conversation, 会話を始める、話し出す

Don't sweat it. 心配するな 

at one's fingertips, 手元に持っている、すぐに利用できる

at all costs, どんな犠牲を払っても、どんなことがあっても

out of place, 場違いで、(周りの人たちから)浮いて

come out of one's shell, 自分の殻から抜け出す[殻を破る]、打ち解ける

get over oneself, 自分を乗り越える、自分に打ち勝つ

strike out, 失敗する、うまくいかない

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年6月 3日 10:17に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/24 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (2)★美食会★関谷英里子のビジネスに効く!ポジティブ英語」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/30 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (4)★近況★スーザン・ケイン「内向的な人のパワー」」です。
