NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/23 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (1)★フィットネスのぱらどくす★cat cafe in Europe






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Cat cafe


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/23 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (1)


two-way street
sounding board
mentor-protege relationship
come up
take someone under one's wing
networking plus
can't go too far wrong


I feel like an oddball.

It's perfectly natural to be stressed out when you're suddenly plunged into
a new and unfamiliar situation.

My biggest problem is that I'm a born introvert and I just can't be 
as outgoing as Americans are.

I thought you'd taken to living in America like a duck to water.

My impression is that you're a well-organized and proactive executive
who's on his way up the corporate ladder.

I'm more like a fish out of water.

Having to function in a foreign environment all the time is a bit of a strain on my brain.

Aren't you being a bit hard on yourself?

oddball, 変わり者、はみ出し者
a strange or eccentric person:

ex) There are people who come because this is a group of oddballs and weirdoes.

be plunged into, ...に追いやられる[ほうり込まれる]
jump or dive quickly and energetically:

ex) Our little daughters whopped as they plunged into the sea.
「海や川に飛び込む」という意味がplunge intoには多いです。

born introvert, 生まれつき内向的な人

a shy, reticent person:

ex) I have yet to meet a poetry-lover who was not an introvert,
or an introvert who was not unhappy in adolescence.

outgoing, 社交的な、外向的な
friendly and socially confident:

ex) She's always been very outgoing and she's got heaps of friends.

take to something like a duck to water, ...を極めて自然に身につける[覚える]
take to something very readily:

ex) He shows every sign of taking to University politics like a duck to water.

well-organized and proactive, きちんとしていて積極的な

(of a person or action) creating or controlling a situation rather than
just responding to it after it has happened:

ex) Employers must take a proactive approach to equal pay.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
fish out of water, 場違いな人、陸へ上がった河童
strain on someone's brain, (人)(の頭)への重荷[重圧、負担]
be hard on someone, (人)に厳しい、(人)につらく当たる


I feel like an oddball.

It's perfectly natural to be stressed out when you're suddenly plunged into
a new and unfamiliar situation.

My biggest problem is that I'm a born introvert and I just can't be 
as outgoing as Americans are.

I thought you'd taken to living in America like a duck to water.

My impression is that you're a well-organized and proactive executive
who's on his way up the corporate ladder.

I'm more like a fish out of water.

Having to function in a foreign environment all the time is a bit of a strain on my brain.

Aren't you being a bit hard on yourself?


two-way street, 両者の協力が必要な状況、相互的な関係
sounding board, (自分の考え、意見などの)よしあしを判断してもらう人、相談相手
mentor-protege relationship, 指導者と教え子の関係
come up, (問題などが)生じる、[出てくる]
take someone under one's wing, (人)をかばう、(人)の面倒を見る
networking plus, ネットワーク作りプラスアルファ
can't go too far wrong, それほど大きな失敗をすることはない、大抵うまくいく

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年5月28日 21:58に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/17 Lesson 3 Mentoring (5)★ジーンズで水垢が取れる★MySQL Database For Beginners」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/5/24 Lesson 4 Networking for Introverts (2)★美食会★関谷英里子のビジネスに効く!ポジティブ英語」です。
