NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/7 Lesson 23 Dodging Stress (4)★電子辞書を買いました★トークイベント「TED meets スーパープレゼンテーション」


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■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/7 Lesson 23 Dodging Stress (4)



self-help guru

flit from job to job

take no thought for the morrow

work off stress

get in

there is a lot to be said for



Experts recommend such low-imapct aerobic activity for people who aren't

quite ready to pump iron at the gym.

The perceived need to stay logged in and connected at all times via email

and digital devices can also cause big-time burnout, as more and more 

people are finding out in this wired era.

A week or even just a couple of days of being unplugged and offline 

can go a long way toward restoring your sanity.

Taking time off isn't just a good way to let off steam and de-stress.

If you let stress get to you, you're far less likely to break through the kind

of mental logjams that impair creativity and come up with innovative ideas.

All too often I fall into the trap of "woulda, coulda, shoulda."

That drives me nuts. 



pump iron, バーベルを上げる


<informal> exercise with weights

ex) I don't believe in lifting weights, or pumping iron.


big-time burnout, ひどい燃え尽き、極度の疲労


big time

on a large scale; to a great extent

ex) This time they've messed up big time.


go a long way toward, ...に大いに役立つ


(go into/to/towards) contribute to or be put into ( a whole):

used to indicate how many people a supply of a resource is sufficient for or

how much can be achieved using it:

ex) The salle will go a long way towards easing the huge debt burden.


restore one's sanity, 健全さ[冷静さ]を取り戻す



[mass noun] the ability to think and behave in a normal and rational manner;

sound mental health

ex) I began to doubt my own sanity.


let off steam and de-stress, ガス抜きしてストレスを解消する



[no obj.] relax after a period of work or tension:

ex) A nine-week course in Tai Chi will help you unwind, de-stress and

improve concentration and well-being.


mental logjam, 精神的な行き詰まり



a crowded mass of logs blocking a river  丸太のつかえ

<figurative> a situation that seems irresolvable: 行き詰まり

ex) The president can use his power to break the logjam over this issue.


impair, 減じる、損なう、害する


[with obj.] weaken or damage (especially a human faculty or function):

ex) A noisy job could permanently impair their hearing.


fall into the trap of, ...のわなに陥る



an unpleasant situation from which it is hard to escape:

ex) They fell into the trap of relying too little on equity finance.


drive someone nuts, (人)をいらいらさせる



[predic.] mad:

ex) The tune drives her so nuts she's turned it off but she's oh her third

warning now.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現




Experts recommend such low-imapct aerobic activity for people who aren't

quite ready to pump iron at the gym.

The perceived need to stay logged in and connected at all times via email

and digital devices can also cause big-time burnout, as more and more 

people are finding out in this wired era.

A week or even just a couple of days of being unplugged and offline 

can go a long way toward restoring your sanity.

Taking time off isn't just a good way to let off steam and de-stress.

If you let stress get to you, you're far less likely to break through the kind

of mental logjams that impair creativity and come up with innovative ideas.

All too often I fall into the trap of "woulda, coulda, shoulda."

That drives me nuts. 


self-doubt, 自己不信、自信喪失

self-help guru, 自己啓発の専門家[権威者]

flit from job to job, (次々に)仕事を渡り歩く、職を転々とする

take no thought for the morrow, 明日[将来]のことなどまったく考えない

work off stress, ストレスを解消する[発散させる]

get in, スケジュールに入れる

there is a lot to be said for, ...には利点がたくさんある

horsefeathers, たわ言、くだらないこと

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年3月11日 11:26に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/2 Lesson 23 Dodging Stress (3)★原子力発電所の「安全神話」はまったく虚構★Wall Street Journal This Morning」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/8 Lesson 23 Dodging Stress (5)★楽天のコツとは★ネイティブが間違いやすい文法とは」です。
