NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/2/8 Lesson 21 Books and E-Books (4)★ともちん英語★English Upgrader








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■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2012/2/8 Lesson 21 Books and E-Books (4)


be hooked up to
come into one's own
false dichotomy
be in no hurry to
promised land
go the way of the dodo
Hold your horses.


Loyal customers like me patronize Bookdale because we like its friendly
atmosphere as a community gathering place.

I imagine I've spent a small fortune there over the years.

We regular Bookdare customers also appreciate the sometimes quirky but
always fascinating selection of titles on offer.
Sure, there's no denying that the number of bookstores is falling.

But smart book retailers are realizing the key to survival in the face of
e-book and online challenge is to find a niche.

The well-informed staffers have curator-like skills that they use to match
books with individual readers.

patronize, ひいきにする
If someone patronizes a place such as a pub, bar, or hotel. they are one of its
customers. [FORMAL]

ex) The ladies of Berne likes to patronize the Palace for tea and little cakes.


spend a small fortune, ちょっとした[かなりの]金額を使う 
You describe a sum of money as a small fortune to emphasize that it is
a very large amount.

ex) For almost two years, Hawkins made a small fortune running a drugstore.

quirky, 風変わりな、癖のある
Something or someone that is quirky is rather odd or unpredictable in their
appearance, character, or behaviour.

ex) We've developed a reputation for being quite quirky and original.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
there's no denying that, ...ということは否定できない
key to survival, 生き残りの鍵[秘訣]
curator-like skills, 学芸員のような技能、専門職並みの技能


Loyal customers like me patronize Bookdale because we like its friendly
atmosphere as a community gathering place.

I imagine I've spent a small fortune there over the years.

We regular Bookdare customers also appreciate the sometimes quirky but
always fascinating selection of titles on offer.
Sure, there's no denying that the number of bookstores is falling.

But smart book retailers are realizing the key to survival in the face of
e-book and online challenge is to find a niche.

The well-informed staffers have curator-like skills that they use to match
books with individual readers.


be hooked up to, ...に接続される
come into one's own, 実力[真価]を発揮する
false dichotomy, 誤って2つに分けること、間違った区分
stick-in-the-mud, 保守的な人、時代遅れの人
be in no hurry to, ...する気がしない、...したくない
promised land, (幸せになれるだろうと思える理想の場所や状況を指して)約束の地
e-tailer, ネットショップ
go the way of the dodo, 絶滅する、廃れる
Hold your horses. 慌てるな。ちょっと待て。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年2月14日 00:40に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/2/3 Lesson 21 Books and E-Books (3)★幸運★英語の仕事はしたくない」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/2/9 Lesson 21 Books and E-Books (5)★外国人の口コミ評価No.1ホテル★3d jobsって?」です。
