NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/12/7 Lesson 17 Tips on Tipping (4)★中国ビジネスに失敗しない7つのポイント PR戦略で乗り越 える!★2011年英語学習10大ニュース 第4位


杉田先生の新著「中国ビジネスに失敗しない7つのポイント PR戦略で乗り越



2. 2011年英語学習10大ニュース

2011/11/23 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (4)において、らじる★らじる
しかしNHKよ、なぜ、国内専用? 少しはBBCを見習うように。

第4位 1500語で話すGlobishがブームもここまでか

勉強法 手島直樹(著)」で学びました。




中国ビジネスに失敗しない7つのポイント PR戦略で乗り越える!
中国ビジネスに失敗しない7つのポイント  PR戦略で乗り越える! グロービッシュ実践勉強法

■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2011/12/7 Lesson 17 Tips on Tipping (4)


be in the same boat
forgo the practice
ground rules
a wad of dollar bills
go the extra mile
primer on tipping


Providing service above and beyond the call of duty like that certainly
merits a hefty tip.

There is no hard-and-fast rule that says you have to tip.

You shouldn't hand over money out of guilt or to show that you're a big

Which is why I hate it when the bill at some restaurants includes a
predetermined "gratuity."

That's pretty cheeky, isn't it?

I have no compunction about leaving the waiter a big fat goose egg.

If the service is lousy or nonexistent, you can always choose to go
somewhere else in the future.

above and beyond the call of duty, 職務範囲を超えて
much more than should be expected

ex) If your waiter goes beyond the call of duty, leave a bigger tip.

merit, ...に値する、...の価値がある
= deserve

If someone or something merits a particular action or treatment, they
deserve it. [FORMAL]

ex) He said he had done nothing wrong to merit a criminal investigation.

hard-and-fast rule, 厳格な規則[ルール]
If you say that there are no hard and fast rules, or that there is no hard
and fast information about something, you are indicating that there are
no fixed or definite rules or facts.

ex) There are no hard and fast rules, but rather traditional guidelines
as to who pays for what.

big spender, 大金を使う人
If a person or organization is a big spender or a compulsive spender,
for example, they spend a lot of money or are unable to stop themselves
spending money.

ex) The Swiss are Europe's biggest spenders on food.

predetermined, あらかじめ決められた、所定の
If you say that something is predetermined, you mean that its form or
nature was decided by previous events or people rather than by chance.

ex) The capsules can be made to release the pesticides at a
predetermined time.

cheeky, 生意気な、ずうずうしい
= saucy

If you describe a person or their behaviour as cheeky, you think that
they are slightly rude or disrespectful but in a charming or amusing way.
[mainly BRIT]

ex) Martin gave her a cheeky grin.

have no compunction about, ...に何のためらいもない
If you say that someone has no compunction about doing something,
you mean that they do it without feeling ashamed or guilty.

ex) Although tears well up, he has no compunction about relating how
he killed his father.

goose egg, ゼロ、0点
[ODE] a zero score in a game


lousy or nonexistent, ひどかったり全然なかったり
If you describe something as lousy, you mean that it is of very bad
quality or that you do not like it. [INFORMAL]

ex) At Billy's Cafe, the menu is limited and the food is lousy.

If you say that something is non-existent, you mean that it does not
exist when you feel that it should.

ex) Hygiene was non-existent: no running water, no bathroom.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
out of guilt, 罪悪感から、後ろめたさから
be earned and deserved, もらって当然のものである
save someone the worry, (人)が心配しない[悩まない]で済むようにする


Providing service above and beyond the call of duty like that certainly
merits a hefty tip.

There is no hard-and-fast rule that says you have to tip.

You shouldn't hand over money out of guilt or to show that you're a big

Which is why I hate it when the bill at some restaurants includes a
predetermined "gratuity."

That's pretty cheeky, isn't it?

I have no compunction about leaving the waiter a big fat goose egg.

If the service is lousy or nonexistent, you can always choose to go
somewhere else in the future.


be in the same boat, 運命を共にしている、同じ境遇[苦境]にある
forgo the practice, 習慣をやめる
ground rules, 基本原則
a wad of dollar bills, ドル紙幣の束
go the extra mile, 一層の[特別な]努力をする
primer on tipping, チップの手引き[入門書]
largesse, 気前のよさ、気前のよい贈り物

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年12月15日 20:56に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/12/2 Lesson 17 Tips on Tipping (3)★本メルマガのfacebookグループをつくりました★2011年英語学習10大ニュース 第5位」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/12/8 Lesson 17 Tips on Tipping (5)★エスカレータに立つのは右?左? 結果発表★2011年英語学習10大ニュース 番外」です。
