NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/23 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (4)★最近見た映画★2011年英語学習10大ニュース第10位






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■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/23 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (4)


odds are

It's gotten to the point where


be on call 24/7


on the road


My friends know the best way to contact me is to send a text message,

which I can answer at my leisure.

Many people think it's all right to carry on a text "conversation" with

someone else while they're talking with you in person.

That irks me no end.

It's second nature to text and talk at the same time.

No disrespect is intended.

People were sounding that kind of alarmist warning about the impact

of the telephone a century ago.

Inviting a person to dinner by telephone was considered a grievous

social faux pas.


at one's leisure, 暇な時に、都合のよい時に


If someone does something at leisure or at their leisure, they enjoy

themselves by doing it when they want to, without hurrying.

ex) He could read all the national papers at his leisure.


carry on, 続ける


If you carry on with an activity, you continue doing it.

ex) Are you telling me to carry on with my investigation?


no end, とても、非常に


No end means a lot. [INFORMAL]

ex) The problem was causing the poor woman no end of misery.


second nature, 第2の天性、(深くしみこんだ)習慣


If a way of behaving is second nature to you, you do it almost without

thinking because it is easy for you or obvious to you.

ex) Planning ahead had always come as second nature to her.


No disrespect is intended. 失礼なことをする[言う]つもりはない。


You can say 'no disrespect to someone or something' when you are

just about to criticize them, in order to indicate that you are not

hostile towards them or admire them for other things.

ex) No disrespect to John Beck, but the club has been happier since he left.


alarmist warning, 人騒がせな警告


Someone or something that is alarmist causes unnecessary fear or anxiety

that something unpleasant or dangerous is going to happen.

ex) The change is not as dramatic as some of the more alarmist reports

would have us believe.

sound a waring 警告を与える


grievous, 重大な、深刻な


If you describe something such as a loss as grievous, you mean that it is

extremely serious or worrying in its effects.

ex) Their loss would be a grievous blow to our engineering industries.


faux pas, 無作法、エチケット違反(フランス語から)


A faux pas is a socially embarrassing action or mistake. [FORMAL]

ex) It was not long before I realized the enormity of my faux pas.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


Try telling that to today's teens. そのことを、今どきの10代の人に話してみたら。


My friends know the best way to contact me is to send a text message,

which I can answer at my leisure.

Many people think it's all right to carry on a text "conversation" with

someone else while they're talking with you in person.

That irks me no end.

It's second nature to text and talk at the same time.

No disrespect is intended.

People were sounding that kind of alarmist warning about the impact

of the telephone a century ago.

Inviting a person to dinner by telephone was considered a grievous

social faux pas.


odds are, たぶん...だろう

It's gotten to the point where, ...するまでになっている

downtime, 休憩時間、休養時間

be on call 24/7, いつでも待機している

godsend, 天の賜物(たまもの)、願ってもないもの

on the road, 旅行[出張、移動]中で

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年12月 3日 13:09に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/18 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (3)★2011年英語学習10大ニュース★Googleによる英文ライティング術」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/25 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (6) ★西きょうじ講演会★2011年英語学習10大ニュース第8位」です。
