NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/11 Lesson 15 The New American Consumer (6) ★高城未来研究所★骨までしゃぶるpodcast



有料メルマガの最後になりますが、高城未来研究所「Future Report」も購読

















■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/11 Lesson 15 The New American Consumer (6)


spring to mind

marketing ploy

at a fraction of

misguided thriftiness

fall prey to



kick oneself


net gain

over time


fall for


There were some real finds there.

In the past, I tended to buy more new books, but I've become a used

bookstore convert.

This point was driven home recently when I found out that a friend and I

happened to buy the same novel within weeks of each other.

I have a few regular haunts here in Tokyo, though my favorite bookstore

is in Portland, Oregon.

She and her husband attempted to install carpeting in their house, but

realized they were in over their heads.

Though I have been known to succumb to the appeal of shiny new gadgets,

I also like to hold on to certain things, such as computers or phones.

I hope I didn't just tempt fate by saying that. I'd hate to go home after this

and find that my computer has conked out.

今回はメルマガ「NHKビジネス英語を120%利用 」から引用しました。


find, (役に立つ物の)発見、めっけ物


If you describe someone or something that has been discovered as a find,

you mean that they are valuable, interesting, good, or useful.

ex) Another of his lucky finds was a pair of candle-holder.


convert, 転向者、熱狂者1(to)


If you describe someone as a convert to something, you mean that they

have recently become very enthusiastic about it.

ex) As recent converts to vegetarianism and animal rights, they now

live with a managerie of stray animal.


drive home, 理解させる



make something clearly understood by the use of repeated or

forcefully direct arguments.

ex) we must drive home the message that crime doesn't pay.


regular haunt, 定期的に訪れる所、行きつけの所


A place that is the haunt of a particular person is one which they often

visit because they enjoy going there.

ex) The Channel Islands are a favourite summer haunt for UK and

French yachtsmen alike.


be in over your head, お手上げである


If you say that someone are in over their head, you mean that they

become deeply involved in a situation which is too difficult for them

to deal with.

ex) He realized that he was in over his head, and that only his family

could help him.


succumb to, (誘惑に)負ける


If you succumb to temptation or pressure, you do something that you

want to do, or that other people want you to do, although you feel it

might be wrong. [FORMAL]

ex) Don't succumb to the temptation to have just one cigarette.


tempt fate, 危険を冒す


to cause bad luck for yourself by talking too confidently about a situation

ex) It's probably tempting fate to say so, but I haven't had a cold all year.


conk out, 故障する


If something, such as a machine or vehicle, conks out, it stops working

or breaks down. [BRITISH, INFORMAL]

ex) The washing machine has finally conked out.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現




There were some real finds there.

In the past, I tended to buy more new books, but I've become a used

bookstore convert.

This point was driven home recently when I found out that a friend and I

happened to buy the same novel within weeks of each other.

I have a few regular haunts here in Tokyo, though my favorite bookstore

is in Portland, Oregon.

She and her husband attempted to install carpeting in their house, but

realized they were in over their heads.

Though I have been known to succumb to the appeal of shiny new gadgets,

I also like to hold on to certain things, such as computers or phones.

I hope I didn't just tempt fate by saying that. I'd hate to go home after this

and find that my computer has conked out.


spring to mind, (物、事が)頭に浮かぶ[思い出される]

marketing ploy, 販売促進の作戦

at a fraction of, ...のごく一部で、...の何分の一かで

misguided thriftiness, 間違った倹約

fall prey to, ...のえじき[犠牲]となる、...にとらわれる

prudent, 慎重な、用心深い、賢明な

moderation, 適度、節度、節制

kick oneself, 自分に腹を立てる、悔しがる

couponing, クーポン券の配布、クーポン券での買い物

net gain, 純益

over time, 時とともに、やがて、徐々に

inordinate, 過度の、法外な

fall for, だまされる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年11月24日 22:11に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/10 Lesson 15 The New American Consumer (5)★TOEIC800点限定の本格的ディスカッショングループ TEDeeとは?」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/11/16 Lesson 16 Texting and Phoning (1) ★クロネコヤマトは便利★TOEIC READINGパートの必勝法」です。
