NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/18 Lesson 10 The New Normal of Civility (2) ★ 英辞郎 on the WEB PROを使い始めました

英辞郎 on the WEB PROを使い始めました。


普通の英辞郎 on the WEBとの違いは、



■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/18 Lesson 10 The New Normal of Civility (2)




be attached to
if it's any comfort
be hot for
take something a little too far


A lot of us are having to bone up on headgear etiquette
now that hats seem to have come back into fashion for men
in such a big way.

I think incivility is on the rise in America.

Yes, society's mores are definitely changing, particularly
when it comes to the use of mobile phones and other
gadgets in public.

What I consider the height of rudeness is when I'm having
a conversation with someone, and they text a third party 
on their mobile phone while not making eye contact with me.

That sort of behavior is par for the course these days.

bone up on, ...を猛勉強する、...を頭にたたき込む
bone up on something (phrasal verb)

to learn as much as you can about a subject, because you 
need the knowledge, for example for an examination:

ex) I have to bone up on criminal law for a test next week.


incivility, 無礼な言動、不作法
impolite behaviour, remarks etc

mores, (社会的な)慣行、習俗、道徳観
The mores of a particular place or group of people are
the customs and behaviour that are typically found in
that place or group. [FORMAL]

ex) profound changes in social and sexual mores.

the height of rudeness, 無礼の極み、最悪の失礼
If you say that something is the height of a particular quality,
you are emphasizing that it has that quality to the greatest
degree posible.

ex) This is the height of hooliganism.

par for the course, よくあること、いつものこと
If you say that something that happens is par for the course,
you mean that you are not pleased with it but it is what
you expected to happen.

ex) We had 75 mile-per-hour gusts and there's leaves and
branches all over the streets, and the power is out. But,
I mean, that's all kind of par for the course in a hurricane.

 その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
in a big way, おおいに、すごく
not consider it a big deal, ...してもどうってことはないと考える
in tight quarters, 混雑した所で、人混みで
make someone's blood boil, (人)を激怒させる、(人)の
Ease up. 落ち着いて。興奮しないで。
take something personally, ...を個人攻撃としてとらえる、


A lot of us are having to bone up on headgear etiquette
now that hats seem to have come back into fashion for men
in such a big way.

I think incivility is on the rise in America.

Yes, society's mores are definitely changing, particularly
when it comes to the use of mobile phones and other
gadgets in public.

What I consider the height of rudeness is when I'm having
a conversation with someone, and they text a third party 
on their mobile phone while not making eye contact with me.

That sort of behavior is par for the course these days.


curtly, そっけなく、つっけんどんに
fedora, ソフト帽、フェドーラ
be attached to, ...を好む、...に愛着がある、...を慕っている
begrudgingly, いやいやながら、しぶしぶ
sangfroid, 冷静さ、沈着さ
sport, これ見よがしに身につける、さっそうと身につける
comply, (規則などに)従う、(要求などに)応じる
stiff, (酒類が)アルコール度の強い
if it's any comfort, 慰めになるかどうかわからないが
be hot for, すごく...を欲しがって[したがって]いる
take something a little too far, 少し...の度が過ぎる、少し...をやり過ぎる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年8月24日 20:50に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/17 Lesson 10 The New Normal of Civility (1) ★ TOEIC Part 2 必勝法」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/19 Lesson 10 The New Normal of Civility (3) ★ Quiet Car」です。
