NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/07/14 Lesson 8 Advice from a Retiree (2) ★ キンバリーフォーサイスさん










Giving a helping hand to children in Tohoku!(東北の子供たちに愛の手を)

「タイラー基金」って何?(What's "Tyler Foundation"?)

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/07/14 Lesson 8 Advice from a Retiree (2)





go to someone's head

mighty thoughtful

pass along

pearls of wisdom

mere stripling

Hey, gang.

old codger

It's the least we could do.

Dear me.

be at risk of

get a swelled noggin

think ahead

Will wonders never cease.


There's no time like the present to begin planning for the

seemingly far-off day when you're put out to pasture.

That may sound like belaboring the obvious, but you need

to come to grips with that basic reality.

Well, if they haven't done their homework and socked away

enough savings, they're in for a rude shock when they

decide to call it a day and leave the working world.


far-off day, 遠い未来[昔]の日  


If you describe a moment in time as far off, you mean that

it is a long time from the present, either in the past or the


ex) In those far off days it never entered anyone's mind

that she could be Prime Minister.


be put out to pasture, 引退する、退職する


If someone is put out to pasture, they are made to retire

from their job, or they are moved to an unimportant job,

usually because people think that they are too old to be


ex) I'm retiring next month. They're putting me out to





belabor the obvious, 当たり前のことをくどくど言う


If you say that someone belabors the point, you mean that

they keep on talking about it, perhaps in an annoying or

boring way.

ex) I'll come back to this set of issues, so I will not

belabor the point here.


come to grips with, ...に取り組む、...を把握する[押さえる]


If you get to grips with a problem or if you come to grips

with it, you consider it seriously, and start taking action to 

deal with it.

ex) The government's first task is to get to grips with

the economy.


sock away, (お金)をためる


to save money by putting it in a safe place:


ex) Roger socked away more than $1 million a year.


 その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


Truer words were never spoken. まったくそのとおりだ。

be in for a rude shock. 突然の激しいショックを受ける、


★There's no time like the present, 今が一番です。


There's no time like the present to begin planning for the

seemingly far-off day when you're put out to pasture.

That may sound like belaboring the obvious, but you need

to come to grips with that basic reality.

Well, if they haven't done their homework and socked away

enough savings, they're in for a rude shock when they

decide to call it a day and leave the working world.


go to someone's head, (人)をうぬぼれさせる

mighty thoughtful, とてもありがたい

pass along, ...を伝える、...を渡す

pearls of wisdom, 賢明な忠告、貴重なアドバイス

mere stripling, まだまだ若い人

Hey, gang. やあ、皆さん。やあ、諸君。

old codger, じいさん、年をとった変わり者

It's the least we could do. 私たちにできる最低限の[せめてもの]ことです。

Dear me. あらまあ。おやおや。

be at risk of, ...の危険がある

get a swelled noggin, 頭が膨らむ、思い上がる

think ahead, 前もって考える

Will wonders never cease. これは驚いた。珍しいこともあるものだ。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年7月21日 21:53に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/07/13 Lesson 8 Advice from a Retiree (1) ★ リツイート記録」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/07/15 Lesson 8 Advice from a Retiree (3) ★ 鳥飼玖美子さんとひろゆきさんの英語公用語の対談」です。
