NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/01 Lesson 1 April Fools (3) ★ 「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」まだ間に合います

2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」が10日後に迫って


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)
■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/01 Lesson 1 April Fools (3)


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


fall for
hook, line and sinker
get over it
experience something firsthand
kick oneself for
Hold your horses.
see through


We know it was all in good fun - although you had me scared
for a moment.

One of the all-time classics a was a TV report about Switzerland's
bumper spaghetti harvest.

It's hard to believe people could be so credulous.

Those are the best kind of April Fool's Day jokes: gentle,
absurdist humor that doesn't hurt anybody.

in fun, 面白半分に
If you do something in fun, you do it as a joke or for
amusement, without intending to cause any harm.

ex) Don't say such things, even in fun.

all-time classic, 史上最高の傑作
You use all-time when you are comparing all the things
of a particular type that there have ever been. For example,
if you say that something is the all-time best, you mean
that it is the best thing of its type that there has ever been.

ex) The president's popularity nationally is at an all-time low...

bumper harvest, 豊作
A bumper crop or harvest is one that is larger than usual.

ex) a bumper crop of rice.

credulous, 軽々しく信じる、だまされやすい
= gullible

If you describe someone as credulous, you have a low
opinion of them because they are too ready to believe
what people tell them and are easily deceived.

ex) ... quack doctors charming money out of the pockets of
credulous health-hungry citizens.

absurdist humor, 不条理なユーモア、ナンセンスなユーモア
An absurdist play or other work shows how absurd some
aspect of society or human behavior is.

I you say that something is absurd, you are criticizing it
because you think that it is ridiculous or that it does
not make sense.

ex) ...'La Peste', the last volume in the absurdist trilogy.
trilogy 3部作

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
fake shot, 捏造場面、やらせの場面
give away the hands, 時計の針を譲る
hoot, とても面白いもの[人]


We know it was all in good fun - although you had me scared
for a moment.

One of the all-time classics a was a TV report about Switzerland's
bumper spaghetti harvest.

It's hard to believe people could be so credulous.

Those are the best kind of April Fool's Day jokes: gentle,
absurdist humor that doesn't hurt anybody.


incorrigible, 救いがたい、手に負えない
fall for, ...にだまされる、...に引っ掛かる
prank, いたずら、悪ふざけ
hook, line and sinker, 完全に、すっかり
get over it, 立ち直る
experience something firsthand, (物事)を直接経験する
kick oneself for, ...のことで自分に腹を立てる、...が悔しい
Hold your horses. 慌てるな。落ち着け。ちょっと待って。
see through, ...を見抜く

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年4月 8日 00:27に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/03/31 Lesson 1 April Fools (2) ★ bad habits」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/06 Lesson 1 April Fools (4) ★ 「すぐ使える仕事英語」」です。
