NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Gen Y's Grim Reality (2) 3/3 2011 ★ なでしこ寿司とは?

「なでしこ寿司」が、Wall Street Journalの記事に

Hot Women Serving Cold Fish Make for Raw Feelings in Tokyo



■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Gen Y's Grim Reality (2) 3/3 2011


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


live under the same roof
be here to stay
home foreclosure
nuclear family
First Family
take up residence
What's behind it?


Yes, we're the first generation of Americans born since World
War II whose career and economic prospects are less rosy than
they were for the generations that preceeded us.

We're having to go head-to-head with Generation Xers and
baby boomers as the economic pie gets smaller.

Right now the economic deck seems to be stacked against
Generation Y.

It's quite a come-down for them after they're developed
such high expectations for their lives and careers.

Many of my retired friends have been forced to move in with
their adult children due to straitened circumstances.

rosy, 明るい、楽観的な、ばら色の
If you say that a situation looks rosy or that the picture
looks rosy, you mean that the situation seems likely to
be good or successful.

ex) Little over a year ago, things looked very rosy for the
Social Democrats.

go head-to-head with, ...と直接対決する
A head-to-head contest or competition is one in which two
people or groups compete directly against each other.

Head-to-head is also an adverb.

ex) Canadian business cannot compete head-to-head with
American business.

stack the deck against someone, (人)に不利なように細工する
If someone stacks the deck or stacks the cards, they arrange
a situation unfairly against you, or in their own favor.
'Stack the deck' is used only in American English.

ex) There are many different ways an insurance company can
fix it, stack the dexk so that they don't sell insurance
in an area where they don't want to have consumers.

come-down, 落ちぶれること、失望、期待はずれ
If you say that something is a comedown, you think that it is
not as good as something else that you have just done or bad.

ex) After getting your degree and being on a high, it's quite
a comedown to experience constant rejection.

straitened circumstances, 窮乏状態
If someone is living in straitened circumstances, they do
not have as much as they used to, and are finding it very
hard to buy and pay for everything that they need. [FORMAL]

ex) His father died when he was ten, leaving the family
in straitened circumstances.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
the economic pie gets smaller, 経済全体が縮小する
move in with, 同居を始める


Yes, we're the first generation of Americans born since World
War II whose career and economic prospects are less rosy than
they were for the generations that preceeded us.

We're having to go head-to-head with Generation Xers and
baby boomers as the economic pie gets smaller.

Right now the economic deck seems to be stacked against
Generation Y.

It's quite a come-down for them after they're developed
such high expectations for their lives and careers.

Many of my retired friends have been forced to move in with
their adult children due to straitened circumstances.


live under the same roof, 一つ屋根の下で暮らす、同居する
be here to stay, 定着している、永続的である
home foreclosure, 家屋の差し押さえ
nuclear family, 核家族
First Family, (アメリカの)大統領一家
take up residence, 居を定める
What's behind it? その背後に何があるのですか。それの原因は何

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年3月 9日 01:02に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Gen Y's Grim Reality (1) 3/2 2011 ★ インターネットにつながらなくなったら」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Gen Y's Grim Reality (3) 3/4 2011 ★ ビニエットを暗記する方法」です。
