NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 As American As ... (1) 3/16 2011 ★ 危機的状況の中の希望

今日は、The New York TimesのOP-EDに掲載された村上龍の

Amid Shortages, a Surplus of Hope


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 As American As ... (1) 3/16 2011


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


have a taste of
cooped up with
at one's father's knee
crusty exterior


Say, Yoko, I'd be interested in hearing your take, as a
Japanese, as to what strikes you as typically American.

Maybe that's because I'm such a movie nut.

During the Great Depression, popcorn was comparatively
cheap and became a popular snack item in movie theaters as
the new medium of film was sweeping the country.

Having just attended my first Major League game, I'd have to
say nothing's more quintessentially American than eating
a hot dog at a baseball stadium.

take, 意見、見解
Someone's take on a particular situation or fact is their
attitude to it or their interpretaion of it.

ex) What's your take on the new government? Do you think it 
can work?

strike someone as, (人)に...という感じ[印象]を与える
If something strikes you as being a particular thing, it
gives you the impression of being that thing.

ex) He struck me as a very serious but friendly person.

movie nut, 映画ファン[マニア]、映画好き
If you describe someone as, for example, a football nut or
a health nut, you mean that they are extreamly enthusiastic
about the thing mentioned. [INFORMAL]

ex) a football nut who spends thousands of pound travelling
to watch games.

sweep the country, (急速に)国じゅうに広まる、国じゅうで大
If events, ideas, or beliefs sweep through a place, they
spread quickly through it.

ex) A flu epidemic is sweeping through Moscow.

quintessentially, 真に、まさに
Quitessential means representing a perfect or typical
example of something. [FORMAL]

ex) It is a familiar, and quintessentially British, ritual.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
munch on, ...をむしゃむしゃ食べる
sum up, ...の本質を示す、...の典型的なものである
cookout, 野外料理(のパーティー)
comparatively, 比較的に


Say, Yoko, I'd be interested in hearing your take, as a
Japanese, as to what strikes you as typically American.

Maybe that's because I'm such a movie nut.

During the Great Depression, popcorn was comparatively
cheap and became a popular snack item in movie theaters as
the new medium of film was sweeping the country.

Having just attended my first Major League game, I'd have to
say nothing's more quintessentially American than eating
a hot dog at a baseball stadium.


have a taste of, ...を経験する、...を味わう
cooped up with, ...と一緒に閉じこもって
at one's father's knee, 父のひざの元で、幼い頃に
crusty exterior, 気難しそうな見かけ
softy, 情にもろい人、優しい人

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年3月21日 14:16に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Gen Y's Grim Reality (6) 3/11 2011 ★ 不屈の日本」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 As American As ... (2) 3/17 2011 ★ 増補版 地震・災害関連の英語表現」です。
