NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work-Life Choices (6) 1/28 2011 ★ ウォーキングは早足で







2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work-Life Choices (6) 1/28 2011


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


estate work
into the bargain
try one's hand at
traipse around


I was floored to discover that many of my collegues assumed
the reason I was returning to the U.S. was to get married.

Part of the reason is the exorbitant cost of daycare in the
United States.

She may have been a bit inebriated, but I was quite ill at 
ease and didn't know how to respond.

Sorry to sound all mushy and touchy-feely.

When she was offered a promotion that involved a fair
amount of business travel, it seemed like an opportune time
for Roger o try his hand at being a househusband,

floor, 閉口する、参る
If you are floored by something, you are unable to respond
to it because you are so surprised by it.

ex) He was floored by the announcement.

exorbitant, 途方もない、過大な
If you describe something such as a price or fee as 
exorbitant, you are emphasizing that it is much greater
than it should be.

ex) Exorbitant housing prices have created an acute
shortage of affordable housing for the poor.

be inebriated, (酒に)酔っている
Work-Life Choices (1)より。

Someone who is inebriated has drunk too much alcohol.

ex) Scott was obviously inebriated by the time the dessert
was served.

touchy-feely, 感傷的すぎる、べたべたした
Work-Life Choices (3)より。

If you describe something as touchy-feely, you mean that
it involved people expressing emotions such as love and
affection openly in a way which you find embarrassing
and silly.

ex) a touchy-feely song about making your life worth

opportune, 時宜を得た、タイミングの良い
Work-Life Choices (5)より。

If something happens at an opportune time or is opportune,
it happens at the time that is most convenient for someone
or most likely to lead to success. [FORMAL]

ex) I believe that I have arrived at a very opportune moment.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


I was floored to discover that many of my collegues assumed
the reason I was returning to the U.S. was to get married.

Part of the reason is the exorbitant cost of daycare in the
United States.

She may have been a bit inebriated, but I was quite ill at 
ease and didn't know how to respond.

Sorry to sound all mushy and touchy-feely.

When she was offered a promotion that involved a fair
amount of business travel, it seemed like an opportune time
for Roger o try his hand at being a househusband,


estate work, 財産関係の仕事
into the bargain, そのうえ、おまけに
try one's hand at, ...をやってみる, 
traipse around, ...を歩き回る、...を旅して回る
rewarding, やりがいのある、ためになる
opprtune, 時宜を得た、タイミングの良い

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年2月 6日 18:18に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work-Life Choices (5) 1/27 2011 ★ ウォーキング再開 」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Changing Spending Habits (1) 2/2 2011 ★ 八百長を英語で言うと?」です。
