NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Changing Spending Habits (1) 2/2 2011 ★ 八百長を英語で言うと?




Sumo tournament cancelled amid match-fixing scandal

The Japan Sumo Association (JSA) has cancelled next 
month's grand tournament over allegations of match fixing.

ということで八百長は、match fixing ですね。

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Changing Spending Habits (1) 2/2 2011


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


be inebriated


Maybe I'm an incurable optimist, but I think we may be 
seeing some light at the end of the long tunnel.

But I'm curious to know why you think the economy may
be on the mend.

Well, we're certainly not in the clear yet, but I think
we're also seeing a gradual increase in consumer and
business confidence.

People are starting to loosen their purse strings a wee bit
and are allowing themselves a splurge now and again.

There are signs that many consumers are growing more
confident about spending money, especially those who've
been able to hold onto jobs and those who've benefited from
the stock market's steady rebound.

incurable optimist, 救いがたい楽天家
You can use incurable to indicate that someone has a 
particular quality or attitude and will not change.

ex) Poor old William is an incurable romantic.

be on the mend, よくなっている、好転している
If a relationship or situation is on the mend after a 
difficult or unsuccessful period, it is improving. [INFORAML]

ex) More evidence that the economy was on the mend was needed.


in the clear, 危険[危機]を脱して
If someone is in the clear, they are not in danger, or are
not blamed or suspected of anything.

ex) The Audit Commission said that the ministry was
in the clear.

a wee bit, ほんの少し
Wee means small in size or extent. [SCOTTISH][INFORMAL]

ex) I've got a wee kitten in the flat.

hold onto a job, 仕事を手放さない、仕事を失わない
If you hold on to something that you have, you keep it for
yourself and do not let anyone else have it.

ex) politicians like himself who want to hold on to power
at all costs.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
doom and gloom, 暗い見通し、悲観
consumer and business confidence, 消費意欲や企業活動意欲
allow oneself a splurge, 贅沢を自らに許す


Maybe I'm an incurable optimist, but I think we may be 
seeing some light at the end of the long tunnel.

But I'm curious to know why you think the economy may
be on the mend.

Well, we're certainly not in the clear yet, but I think
we're also seeing a gradual increase in consumer and
business confidence.

People are starting to loosen their purse strings a wee bit
and are allowing themselves a splurge now and again.

There are signs that many consumers are growing more
confident about spending money, especially those who've
been able to hold onto jobs and those who've benefited from
the stock market's steady rebound.


floor, 閉口する、参る
exorbitant, 途方もない、過大な
be inebriated, (酒に)酔っている
touchy-feely, 感傷的すぎる、べたべたした
opportune, 時宜を得た、タイミングの良い

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年2月 8日 00:50に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work-Life Choices (6) 1/28 2011 ★ ウォーキングは早足で」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Changing Spending Habits (2) 2/3 2011 ★ The Sky Tree phenomenon」です。
