NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Customer Service Tips (2) 2/17 2011 ★ the worst may be behind us



なんの疑問もなく、add up toとか同じ表現を辞書引いてました。

be out of woodsを調べようとして、あれ、これ前回も


次の表現、be behind usは前回は説明していず、かぶって

the worst may be behind us, 最悪の事態は脱したのかもしれない
Changing Spending Habits (2)より

If an experience is behind you, it happened in your past
and will not happen again, or no longer affects you.

ex) Maureen put the nightmare behind her.

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Customer Service Tips (2) 2/17 2011


2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」申込み(4/16開催)


in the first place
solid reputation
be onto
hear through the grapevine
Full marks all around.


Yes, that's a lot nicer than some hoity-toity eateries
I've been to, where they make you feel like they're doing
you a favor by admitting you to their supposedly fabulous

I guess some of the waiters and waitresses here may be
moonlighting actors.

Yes, I find wisecracking waiters a real nuisance.

I've also encountered some who'd recite the specials too
fast or dramatically.

establishment, 施設(学校、会社、店など)
An establishment is a shop, business, or organization
occupying a particular building or place. [FORMAL]

ex) a scientific research establishment

eatery, レストラン、食堂
An eatery is a place where you can buy and eat food.

ex) one of the most elegant old eateries in town


moonlight, アルバイトをする
If someone moonlights, they have a second job in addition to
their main job, often without informing their main emploers
or the tax office.

ex) an engineer who was moonlighting as a taxi driver.

wisecrack, 嫌みな冗談を言う、皮肉を言う
A wisecrack is a clever remark that is intented to be
amusing, but is often rather unkind.

recite the special, お薦め料理を暗唱する
When someone recites a poem or other piece of writing,
they say it aloud after they have learned it.

ex) They recited poetry to pne another.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
recollection, 思い出
hoity-toity, 気取った、横柄な
declaim, 朗々と語る、朗読する
soliloquy, (芝居の)独白
classy, すてきな、粋な、おしゃれな


Yes, that's a lot nicer than some hoity-toity eateries
I've been to, where they make you feel like they're doing
you a favor by admitting you to their supposedly fabulous

I guess some of the waiters and waitresses here may be
moonlighting actors.

Yes, I find wisecracking waiters a real nuisance.

I've also encountered some who'd recite the specials too
fast or dramatically.


showcase, (優れた性質[能力]が)見られる[味わえる]場[機会]
in the first place, そもそも、最初に
solid reputation, 確固たる評判、定評
be onto, ...を見つける、...にありつく
hear through the grapevine, 口コミで耳にする
Full marks all around. 何もかも満点だ。
winner, 成功した人[物]、成功しそうな人[物]

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年2月26日 22:03に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Customer Service Tips (1) 2/16 2011 ★ 尖閣ビデオを公開した元海上保安官が講演」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Customer Service Tips (3) 2/18 2011 ★ ビジ英の勉強会」です。
