NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (4) 1/12 2011 ★ ゴルフ練習










■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (4) 1/12 2011



creature comforts
work like Trojans
feel strongly drawn to
center of gravity


American grads hired by Asian companies can skip a few rungs
on the career ladder, and those companies become
internationalized as their local employees interact with
talent from overseas.

Many MBA grads see Asia as a kind of "Wild, Wild East," where
they can apply their entrepreneurial skills to good effect.

Yes, it's a reminder of the truism that the best talent
gravitates to where the best and most promising opportunities
are to be found.

China and other fast-growing markets are great places for
young go-getters to jump-start their careers. 

skip a few rungs, (はしごの)段を何段か飛ばす
If you reach a particular rung in your career, in an
organization, or in a process, you reach that level in it.

ex) I first worked with him in 1971 when we were both on the
lowest rung of our careers.

entrepreneurial skill, 起業家としての能力
Entrepreneurial means having the qualities that are needed
to succeed as an entrepreneur.

ex) her prodigious entrepreneurial flair

truism, 自明の理、当然のこと
A truism is a statement that is generally accepted as
obviously true and is repeated so often it has become boring.

ex) Whilst this might sound like a truism, it is nevertheless
a crucial problem to address.

gravitate to, ...に引きつけられる
If you gravitate towards a paricular place, thing, or
activity, you are attracted by it and go to it or get
involved in it.

ex) Traditionally young Asians in Britain have gravitated
towards medicine, law and engineering.

jump-start, 速やかに始める、活性化させる
To jump start a system or process that has stopped working
or progressing means to do something that will make it
start working quickly or effectively.

ex) The EU is trying to jump start the peace process.

jump startの本来の意味は、「他の車のバッテリーをつないで

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
apply to good effect, ...を効果的に利用する
go-getter, やる気のある人、やり手
Wild, Wild East, ワイルド・ワイルド・イースト
Go East, young man - or woman. 若者よ、東洋へ行け。


American grads hired by Asian companies can skip a few rungs
on the career ladder, and those companies become
internationalized as their local employees interact with
talent from overseas.

Many MBA grads see Asia as a kind of "Wild, Wild East," where
they can apply their entrepreneurial skills to good effect.

Yes, it's a reminder of the truism that the best talent
gravitates to where the best and most promising opportunities
are to be found.

China and other fast-growing markets are great places for
young go-getters to jump-start their careers. 


tempting, 気をそそる、心を引かれる、魅力的な
creature comforts, 衣食住に関して快適さをもたらすもの
recruit, 新人、新入社員
punishing, 過酷な、つらい、きつい
emigrate, (自国から)(他国、他地域に)移住する、転住する
work like Trojans, 一生懸命に働く、せっせと働く
feel strongly drawn to, ...に強く心を引かれる
center of gravity, 関心[活動]の中心、重心

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年1月18日 00:52に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (3) 1/7 2011 ★ Tokyo: 10 Things to Do in 24 Hours」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (5) 1/13 2011 ★ "可愛いにもほどがある"ベッキーに本場のスピードで日常会話を習ってみる」です。
