NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (5) 1/13 2011 ★ "可愛いにもほどがある"ベッキーに本場のスピードで日常会話を習ってみる

2011年「実践ビジネス英語 リスナーの集い」は、

『ベッキー・クルーエルde英語耳 友だちとの会話編』



必要以上!?のビジネス英語マスター術 第50回

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (5) 1/13 2011



skip a few rungs
entrepreneurial skill
gravitate to
apply to good effect
Wild, Wild East
Go East, young man - or woman.


Are we looking at a brain drain as top U.S. business
talent leaves for foreign shors?

That's an alarming prospect, if you ask me.

The best and brightest are forsaking the good old U.S. and A.

Here's another sobering thought for you: Two-thirds of 
Silicon Valley companies were started by foreigners.

Maybe in a few years we'll see some of those expat business
whizzes head back to these shores, just as many Chinese
business people feel an urge to go back to their home
country and continue their careers there.

brain drain, 頭脳流出
When people talk about a brain drain, they are referring to
the movement of a large number of scientists or academics
away from their own country to other countries where the
conditions and salaries are better.

alarming, 不安にさせる
Something that is alarming makes you feel afraid or anxious
that something unpleasant or dangerous might happen.

ex) The disease has spread at an alarming rate.

forsake, 見捨てる、捨て去る
If you forsake a place or a thing, you leave it or go away
from it. [LITERARY]

ex) At 53 he has no plans to forsake the hills.

You say that something is a sobering thought or has a
sobering effect when a situation seems serious and makes you
become serious and thoughtful.

ex) It is a sobering thought that in the 17th century
she could have been burnt as a witch.

business whizz, ビジネスの天才[達人]
If you are a whizz at something, you are very good at it.

ex) Simon's a whizz at card games.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
the good old U.S and A, 古きよきアメリカ
★miss out, 失う


Are we looking at a brain drain as top U.S. business
talent leaves for foreign shors?

That's an alarming prospect, if you ask me.

The best and brightest are forsaking the good old U.S. and A.

Here's another sobering thought for you: Two-thirds of 
Silicon Valley companies were started by foreigners.

Maybe in a few years we'll see some of those expat business
whizzes head back to these shores, just as many Chinese
business people feel an urge to go back to their home
country and continue their careers there.


skip a few rungs, (はしごの)段を何段か飛ばす
entrepreneurial skill, 起業家としての能力
truism, 自明の理、当然のこと
gravitate to, ...に引きつけられる
jump-start, 速やかに始める、活性化させる
apply to good effect, ...を効果的に利用する
go-getter, やる気のある人、やり手
Wild, Wild East, ワイルド・ワイルド・イースト
Go East, young man - or woman. 若者よ、東洋へ行け。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年1月21日 20:36に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Work in China (4) 1/12 2011 ★ ゴルフ練習」です。

