NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Don't Text and Whatever (1) 11/17 2010 ★ プロ直伝のiPhone活用術でリスニングアップ! - アルクセミナー参加レポート





必要以上!?のビジネス英語マスター術 第49回

プロ直伝のiPhone活用術でリスニングアップ! - アルクセミナー参加レポート
■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Don't Text and Whatever (1) 11/17 2010



old wives' tales
car license plate
Knock wood


I hate to sound like a crusty curmudgeon, but don't people
have any manners these days?

It sounds like somebody really got your goat, Tony.

He looked up sheepishly.

Talk about misplaced priorities.

Here's some sobering data.

crusty curmudgeon, 気難しい老人
If you describe someone, especially an old man, as crusty,
you mean they are impatient and easily irritated.

ex) a crusty old colonel

If you call someone a curmudgeon, you do not like them
because they are mean or bad-tempered. [OLD-FASHIONED]

ex) such a terrible old curmudgen

get someone's goat, (人)を怒らせる[いらだたせる]
If you say that someone or something gets your goat, you
mean that they annoy you intensely.

ex) It was a bad result and a bad performance, but what
really got the media's goat was the manager's refusal
to take all the blame.

sheepishly, おどおどして、きまり悪そうに
If you look sheepish, you look slightly embarrassed because
you feel foolish or you have done something silly.

ex) He grinned sheepishly.

Talk about misplaced priorities. 誤った優先順位とはこのことです。 
You can say talk about before mentioning a particular
expression or situation, when you mean that something is
a very striking or clear example of that expression or
situaion. [INFORMAL]

ex) She threw the cake I'd made on the floor and stood on it.
Talk about being humiliate!

If you describe a feeling or action as misplaced, you are
critical of it because you think it is inappropriate, or 
directed towards the wrong thing or person.

ex) A telling sign of misplaced priorities is the concentration
on health not environmental issues.

sobering, (人を)まじめにさせる[考えさせる]
You say that something is a sobering thought or has a 
sobering effect when a situation seems serious and makes
you become seriuos and thoughtful.

ex) It is sobering thought that in the 17th century
she could have been burnt as a witch.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
come right out, (とても)はっきりした態度を取る
say what one has on one's mind, 思っていることを言う
all too typical, あまりに典型的な
I'll say. そうですとも。まったくです。


I hate to sound like a crusty curmudgeon, but don't people
have any manners these days?

It sounds like somebody really got your goat, Tony.

He looked up sheepishly.

Talk about misplaced priorities.

Here's some sobering data.


old wives' tales, (古くから言い伝えられた)迷信(じみた話)
redecorate, 改装する
in-law, 婚姻によって親戚になった人
car license plate, (米)車のナンバープレート
Knock wood, この幸運が続きますように。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年12月 3日 00:56に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Superstitious Thinking (6) 11/12 2010 ★ 人間関係の質を高めるのは壁ではなく橋 - ニュートンが残した5つの名言」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Don't Text and Whatever (2) 11/18 2010 ★ DVDによる英語勉強法」です。
