NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Superstitious Thinking (6) 11/12 2010 ★ 人間関係の質を高めるのは壁ではなく橋 - ニュートンが残した5つの名言



人間関係の質を高めるのは壁ではなく橋 - ニュートンが残した5つの名言


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Superstitious Thinking (6) 11/12 2010



take something to heart
no matter what
big time
car license plate
Knock wood


I know it's irrational, but it's amazing how we hold onto
the superstisions and old wives' tales we learned growing up.

When my wife and I were redcorating the house a while back,
I accidentally broke a mirror, and she scolded me by saying
that would bring me seven years of back luck.

I can't say I've tried it, although I've been sorely tempted
when my in-laws make themselves at home at my place.

In my town in California, many Chinese families have car
license plates with multiple eights in them.

I'm happy to go through life relying on good old common
sense and rational thinking, knock wood.

old wives' tales, (古くから言い伝えられた)迷信(じみた話)
An old wives' tale is a traditional belief which is incorrect.

ex) Ann Bradley dispels the old wives' tales and gives
the medical facts.

redecorate, 改装する
Superstitious Thinking (3)より

If you redecorate a room or a building, you put new paint or
wallpaper on it.

ex) Americans redecorate their houses and offices every few 

in-law, 婚姻によって親戚になった人
Superstitious Thinking (3)より

Your in-laws are the parents and close relatives of your
husband or wife.

car license plate, (米)車のナンバープレート
Superstitious Thinking (5)より

A license plate is a sign on the front and back of a vehicle
that shows its license number.[AM]

in BRIT, use number plate.

Knock wood, この幸運が続きますように。
Superstitious Thinking (5)より

When you are talking about how well things are going for you,
you say 'touch wood','knock on wood' or 'knock wood' to mean
that you hope the situation will continue to be good and
that you will not have any bad luck. 'Touch wood' is used
mainly in British English, and 'knock on wood' and 'knock wood'
are used mainly in American English.

ex) She's never even been to the doctor's, touch wood.
She's a healthy happy child and anyone can see that.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


I know it's irrational, but it's amazing how we hold onto
the superstisions and old wives' tales we learned growing up.

When my wife and I were redcorating the house a while back,
I accidentally broke a mirror, and she scolded me by saying
that would bring me seven years of back luck.

I can't say I've tried it, although I've been sorely tempted
when my in-laws make themselves at home at my place.

In my town in California, many Chinese families have car
license plates with multiple eights in them.

I'm happy to go through life relying on good old common
sense and rational thinking, knock wood.


take something to heart, ...を真剣に受け止める、...を気に留める
no matter what, 何があっても、絶対に
big time, 一流の、最高の
auspicious, 吉兆の、さい先のよい、縁起のよい
malarkey, でたらめ、ばかげたこと
homonym, 同音異義語
car license plate, (米)車のナンバープレート
Knock wood, この幸運が続きますように。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年11月28日 11:44に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Superstitious Thinking (5) 11/11 2010 ★ 非英語圏のEnglish」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Don't Text and Whatever (1) 11/17 2010 ★ プロ直伝のiPhone活用術でリスニングアップ! - アルクセミナー参加レポート」です。
