NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Start-Ups in a Down Economy (5) 11/26 2009



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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Start-Ups in a Down Economy (5) 11/26 2009


I go for basketball in a big way.

You know the old saw about every crisis being an oppotunity
in disguise.

It takes more than intestinal fortitude to make a go of it
as a self-employed businessperson.

Some of his friends prefer to use the word "foolhardy,"
but the family is very supportive of him.

go for, ...に魅せられる、...が好きである 
If you go for someone or something, you like them very much.

ex) I tend to go for large dark men.

in disguise, 見せかけの...、形を変えた...、変装して
Start-Ups in a Down Economy (1)より

If you are in disguise, you are not wearing your normal
clothes or you have altered your appearance in other ways,
so that people will not recognize you.

ex) You'll have to travel in disguise.

make a go of it, 成功する、一旗揚げる
Start-Ups in a Down Economy (2)より

If you say that someone is making a go of something such as
a business or relationship, you mean that they are having
some success with it.

ex) I knew we could make a go of it and be happy.

work in someone's favor, (人)に有利に働く
Start-Ups in a Down Economy (3)より

If something is in your favor, it helps you or gives you 
an advantage.

ex) The protection that farmers have enjoyed amounts to
a bias in favour of the countryside.

foolhardy, 無謀な、向こう見ずな
Start-Ups in a Down Economy (4)より

If you describe behaviour as foolhardy, you disapprove of it
because it is extremely risky.

ex) When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described
the act as foolhardy.

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年11月30日 22:09に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Start-Ups in a Down Economy (4) 11/25 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Start-Ups in a Down Economy (6) 11/27 2009」です。
