NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Office Perks (2) 6/4 2009



技術戦略とは何か? という話でした。



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価格:¥ 1,680(定価:¥ 1,680)

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Office Perks (2) 6/4 2009


I get the impression that Great Lakes has adopted a bit of
a belt-tightening policy as far as office perks are

I'm glad you can see the humorous side of the situation,
Horoshi, and can take it in your stride, but you're right.

The company obviously has decided to cut back on freebies
in order to cut costs in the faces of the current econimic 

I can understand the reasoning behind that policy, Tony, but
do you think it sends the right message to our employee?

The important thing to remember is that this policy is less
about "sending a message," as you put it, than it is about
reducing expenditures during trying financial times.

belt-tightening policy, 緊縮政策、支出を切り詰める方針
If you need to do some belt-tightening, you must spend less
money and manage without things because you have less money
than you used to have.

ex) The Bangladeshi government has called for severe

take something in (one's) stride, ...を冷静に対処する、...を難
If you are in a difficult situation and you take it in your
stride, you deal with it carmly and successfully.

ex) Across the country, many people took yesterday's events
in stride, while remaining generally uneasy about the stock
market in general.

freebie, 無料でもらえるもの、景品
A freebie is something that you are given, usually by a
company, without having to pay for it. [INFORMAL]

the reasoning behind, ...を裏付ける論理、...の背後にある考え方
Reasoning is the process by which you reach a conclusion
after thinking about all the facts.

ex) the reasoning behind the decision.

trying financial times, 財政的に苦しい時期
If you describe something or someone as trying, you mean
that they are difficult to deal with and make you feel
impatient or annoyed.

ex) Support from those closest to you is vital in these
trying times.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
dispute, ...に異論を唱える、...に反論する

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年6月13日 14:18に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Office Perks (1) 6/3 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Office Perks (3) 6/5 2009」です。
