NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Anger Management (1) 6/17 2009


■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Anger Management (1) 6/17 2009

ローザコーテスさんの、since Great Lakes made such a big
deal of Madigan's joining the company last yearの、
make a big dealは、前回のレッスンOffice Perks(4)で、


I thought that I should come clean with you about what
happened before the office rumor mill goes into overdrive.

Yes, he was previously a high-ranking and high-profile
government spokesman before he joined us.

Well, after we hired Madigan we found out that he was
prone to sudden emotional explosions in the office,
like ripping a telephone from his desk and smashing it
to pieces against the wall, just to name one small incident.

come clean with you, (人)に本当のことを言う、(人)に白状する
If someone comes clean about something, they tell the truth
abou it.

ex) I had expected her to come clean and confess that she
only wrote these books for the money. But no, she insists
that she takes them all very seriously.

rumor mill, 噂の出所
You can refer to the people in a particular place or
profession who spread rumours as the rumour mill.

ex) The Washington rumour mill suggests that the president
secured his narrow majority only by promising all sorts of

go into overdrive, 過熱状態になる、勢い [活気] づく
If someone or something goes into overdrive, they begin to
work very hard or to perform intensely or very well. You
can also say that someone or something is in overdrive.

ex) When the bodies were discovered, the media went into
overdrive. Antena 3 devoted all but two minutes of its
main news bulletin to the story.

high-profile, (世間の)注目度の高い
A high-profile person or a high-profile event attracts
a lot of attention or publicity.

ex) one of football's high profile chairmen.

be prone to, ...の傾向がある、...になりやすい
To be prone to something, usually something bad, means to
have a tendency to be affected by it or to do it.

ex) People with fair skin who sunburn easily are very prone
to develop skin cancer.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
abruptly, 突然、急に
coup, 大当たり、大成功
land, ...を獲得する、...をものにする
highflier, 成功者、大物
departure, 辞任、退職
rip a telephone from one's desk, デスクから電話機を引き抜く
smash something to pieces against the wall, (もの)を壁に
ぶつけてバラバラ [粉々] にする
just to name one small incident, 一つの小さな出来事をちょっと

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年6月20日 13:26に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Office Perks (6) 6/12 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Anger Management (2) 6/18 2009」です。
