NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Shady Investment Seminar (2) 5/21 2009





■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Shady Investment Seminar (2) 5/21 2009


Aside from the prospect of a gourmet meal at no charge,
future financial security piqued her interest, I guess.

But do I smell a rat?

Once they've wheedled their way into your house, it's easy
for them to use high-pressure sales tactics, because most
people are too polite to tell them to leave their home.

They said they had a "foolproof" investment that would put
my mom's nest egg into an annuity that would lock up her money
for 10 to 15 years and pay out a fixed amount each month.

pique someone's interest, (人)の興味をそそる
If something piques your interest or curiosity, it makes
you interested or curious.

ex) This phenomenon piqued Dr Morris' interest.

smell a rat, 何かがおかしいと思う、怪しく感じる
If you smell a rat, you suspect that something is wrong
in a particular situation, for example that someone is
trying to deceive you or harm you.

ex) The public begins to smell a rat when scientists justify
what they do by taking refuge in the law.

wheedle one's way into, うまいことを言って...に入り込む
If you say that someone wheedles, you mean that they try to
persuade someone to do or give them what they want, for
example by saying nice things that they do not mean.

ex) He managed to wheedle his way into the offices.

foolproof, 絶対に失敗しない、必ずうまくいく
Something such as a plan or a machine that is foolproof
is so well designed, easy to understand, or easy to use
that it cannot go wrong or be used wrongly.

ex) The system is not 100 per cent foolproof.

annuity, 年金、年金保険
An annuity is an investment or insurance policy that pays
someone a fixed sum of money each year.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
use high-pressure sales tactics, 強引な売り込みの手口を使う

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年5月28日 22:53に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Shady Investment Seminar (1) 5/20 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Shady Investment Seminar (3) 5/22 2009」です。
