NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (6) 4/24 2009

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「お散歩英語 English Walk」というサイトには実践ビジネス英語の

お散歩英語 English Walk

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (6) 4/24 2009


John, I'd like to talk to you about induction training.

But I was told in no uncertain terms that the president thinks it's an
important part of the training.

But as the recession really starts to bite, I think more people are
realizing that finding a job that offers some semblance of stability
and long-term prospects is at least as important as finding one that
meets criteia such as income, freedom, creative potential and the like.

I hear that another field that's getting a lot of attention from career-minded
young people is environmental sciences, thanks to the green movement
that's having such a sweeping effect on society and the business world.

There'll be greater demand for ecologists, hydrologists, chemists and
the like in the years to come.

induction, 研修
Listening Challenge 2より

Induction is a procedure or ceremony for introducing someone to a new
job, organization, or way of life.

ex) an induction course for new members

in no uncertain terms, きっぱりと
Listening Challenge 2より

If you say that someone tells a person something in no uncertain terms,
you are emphasizing that they say it strongly and clearly so that there
is no doubt about what they mean.

ex) She told him in no uncertain terms to go away.

meet criteria, 基準に合致する
Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (3)より

A criterion is a factor on which you judge or decide something.

ex) British defence policy had to meet three criteria if it was to succeed.

have a sweeping effect on, ...を席巻する
Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (4)より

Sweeping changes are large and very important or significant.

ex) The new government has started to make sweeping changes
in the economy.

hydrologist, 水文学者
Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (4)より

[ODE] the branch of sciences concerned with the properties of the
earth's water, and especially its movement in relation to land.




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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年5月 6日 12:25に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (5) 4/23 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Bicycling to Work (1) 4/29 2009」です。
