NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Fostering Creativity (4) 6/11 2008





■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Fostering Creativity (4) 6/11 2008

Set the pot to boil and then reap the fresh ideas that bubble up
from all of our employees.
は、Set the pot to boil と bubble up がかけられていますね。

Management is committed to such a culture.
の be committed to は日本語にしにくい表現だと思います。


Great Lakes craves staff people who favor workplaces
that stimulate their minds and encourages them to give
voice to new ideas.

Companies that resist that trend in favor of obedient desk
drudges are headed for trouble.

Talented workers who speak their piece are in high demand
at companies that do business on an international scale.

Set the pot to boil and then reap the fresh ideas that
bubble up from all of our employees.

give voice to, (意見を)表明する
If you give voice to an opinion, a need, or a desire, you
express it aloud.

ex) a community radio run by the Catholic Church which
gave voice to the protests of the slum-dwellers.

obedient, [形] 従順な
A person or animal who is obedient does what are told to do.

ex) He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents.

desk drudge, 机にかじりついてこつこつ仕事をする人

If you describe someone as a drudge, you mean they have to
work hard at a job which is not very important or interesting.

speak one's piece, 自分の意見を言う
say your piece
If you say your piece, you give your opinion about a particular
matter, although you are aware that other people may not agree
with you, or be interested in what you have to say.

ex) Each preacher stood for two minutes on a box,
said his piece, and stepped down.

reap, [動] 手に入れる、(利益などを)獲得する、収穫する
If you reap the benefits or the rewards of something, you
enjoy the good things that happen as a result of it.

ex) You'll soon begin to reap the benefits of being fitter.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
as diverse as, ...ほど多様な [に]
be headed for trouble, 大変なことになる、苦境に立たされる
set the pot to boil, 環境を整える
bubble up, 沸き立つ
get the ball rolling, (物事を)順調にスタートさせる、軌道に乗せる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2008年6月15日 11:44に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Fostering Creativity (3) 6/6 2008」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Fostering Creativity (5) 6/12 2008」です。
