【ビジ英徹底復習】201702 L22 Casual Dress Revolution 1,2,3 ★ 会計事務所が公開したというドレスコードの動画とは


(2)で紹介されている、会計事務所が公開したというドレスコードの動画を見つけましたので紹介します。Crowe Horwathという会計事務所です。


The Office Workers Left Behind by the Casual Dress Revolution


I must say I like the new dress code that went out this morning.

I cringe when I see people wearing hoodies to work.

A high-profile accounting firm released a tongue-in-cheek video that told employees what to wear and what not to wear.

Those accused of breaking the fashion code stood in a fake police lineup in ripped jeans and wrinkled shirts.

I imagine there was a backlash in some quarters.

Social media had a field day with the book of guidelines that laid down the law about what employees should wear at work.


get itchy feet
parting of the ways
Don't burn your bridges
hit the ground running
be fired up

★go out, (ニュース、命令などが)(公式に)伝えられる[設定される]

I must say I like the new dress code that went out this morning.

★cringe, うんざりする、嫌になる

I cringe when I see people wearing hoodies to work.

★tongue-in-cheek, 皮肉のこもった、おふざけの

A high-profile accounting firm released a tongue-in-cheek video that told employees what to wear and what not to wear.

★police lineup, 警察での面通しの列

Those accused of breaking the fashion code stood in a fake police lineup in ripped jeans and wrinkled shirts.

★in some quarters, 一部では、一部の方面では

I imagine there was a backlash in some quarters.

★have a field day, 大いに楽しむ、興奮して大騒ぎする

Social media had a field day with the book of guidelines that laid down the law about what employees should wear at work.


get itchy feet, 足がむずむずする、どこかへ出かけたくてうずうずする
amicably, 穏便に、友好的に
parting of the ways, 岐路、分かれ道
Don't burn your bridges. 人間関係を悪くしないように。
hit the ground running, 最初から全力で飛ばす
be fired up, 熱意に駆られる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2017年3月 6日 23:38に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201702 Boomerangers on the Rise 4,5,6 ★ このthe payはなんなんでしょうか」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201702 L22 Casual Dress Revolution 456 ★ mean business」です。
