【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/9 Graying America 1,2,3 ★ 必ず英語力が付く、正しい音読10の方法





などど、無粋なことを考えてしまいました。基本的なコーヒー(Brewd coffee)だけがつぎつぎと渡されていくのでしょうか。

Graying America (1) down to the bottomに、 Until the beginning of the 20th century,  most people worked until the end of their lives. とありますが、until the beginning ofと、until the end of が対になっています。

また、(2)では、 down to the bottomに、they have to keep some money coming in to keep their heads above water. とあり、ここでも to keepが対になっています。



Financial realities mean they have to to keep some money coming in to keep their heads above water.

(1) 5行目、 I'd sayとあります。これはI thinkよりも弱い表現、自身がない表現だそうです。もっと弱いのは、I'd have to say.



これを避けるための音読方法について、あの安河内 哲也先生が「必ず英語力が付く、正しい音読10の方法」として紹介されています。


この中から、リピーティング、サイトトランスレーション、Read & Look upをやっています。

Read & Look upは文を読んで暗唱して発話する。


Read & Look upもなかなか訓練には良い感じです。


Kindness is its own reward.
be served with an eviction notice
get behind in
get hold of the story
What a class act.


Their lifetimes have become progressively longer.

You can only make your nest egg stretch so far.

You spent remaining years weeding your garden and dandling grandchildren on your knee.

Financial realities mean they have to keep some money coming in to keep their heads above water.

The basic fact remains that lot of people have a lot of time on their hands.

I think companies need to show more smarts about getting the best out of people.

A variety of new devices helps seniors lead independent lives at home longer and more cheaply.

★progressively, 着実に、次第に

Their lifetimes have become progressively longer.

★stretch, (お金や食べ物などが)もつ [間に合う]

You can only make your nest egg stretch so far.

so farは、ここでは「ある程度まで」という意味です。

★dandle, (幼い子供を)抱いてあやす

You spent remaining years weeding your garden and dandling grandchildren on your knee.

★keep one's head above water, 何とかやりくりする

Financial realities mean they have to keep some money coming in to keep their heads above water.

★the basic fact remains that, ...という基本事実に変わりはない

The basic fact remains that lot of people have a lot of time on their hands.

★smarts, 知性

I think companies need to show more smarts about getting the best out of people.

★get the best out of, ...を最大限に引き出す

I think companies need to show more smarts about getting the best out of people.

★ lead an independent life, 自立した生活を送る

A variety of new devices helps seniors lead independent lives at home longer and more cheaply.


Kindness is its own reward. 親切な行為はそれ自身が報酬である。
be served with an eviction notice, 立ち退き通告を受ける
get behind in, (支払いなど)が滞る
get hold of the story, ニュースネタを入手する
What a class act. 実に立派な人物[行為]だ。

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2016年10月 2日 16:38に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/9 Pay It Forward 4,5,6 ★ Pay It Forward」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/9 Graying America 4,5,6 ★ MOOCs」です。
