【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/8 Technology with the Human Touch 1,2,3 ★ kindle unlimited




kindle unlimitedという読み放題のサービスを一ヶ月無料でお試し中です。

英語関連ではEnglish Journalが読み放題になっています。 

in large part
have a picnic rained out
Life is not about the tangible.
rank as
live on


One post especially caught my eye the other day.

Two of the guilty parties just got promoted, which has led to tension and bad vibe in the office.

So many workers don't give a second thought to surfing the net or checking their personal email when they're at the office.

An office clerk gets told off for getting a haircut on company time.

In stead of looking out the window or doodling on a sketch pad as they try to think through a problem,

According to the columnist, chilling out that way can help put us in a creative frame of mind.

I think that only gets people off the hook to a certain extent.

He'd look forward to unwinding with his wife at home after work.

You don't go to the trouble of explaining why you're ending the relationship.

★catch someone's eye, (人)の目に留まる

One post especially caught my eye the other day.

★guilty party, 犯人

 Two of the guilty parties just got promoted, which has led to tension and bad vibe in the office.

★not give a second thought to, ...について気にしない

So many workers don't give a second thought to surfing the net or checking their personal email when they're at the office.

★get told off, しかられる

An office clerk gets told off for getting a haircut on company time.

★doodle on a sketch time, スケッチ帳にいたずら書きをする

In stead of looking out the window or doodling on a sketch pad as they try to think through a problem,

★chill out, リラックスする

According to the columnist, chilling out that way can help put us in a creative frame of mind.

★get someone off the hook, (人)を見逃す

I think that only gets people off the hook to a certain extent.

★unwind, くつろぐ

He'd look forward to unwinding with his wife at home after work.

★go to the trouble of, わざわざ...する

You don't go to the trouble of explaining why you're ending the relationship.


in large part, 主に、もっぱら
exhort, 熱心に勧める
escapade, とっぴな行為、冒険
have a picnic rained out, 雨に降られてピクニックが台無し[中止]になる
deathbed, 死の床、臨終
Life is not about the tangible. 人生は有形資産の問題ではありません。
rank as, 〜に相当する
live on, 生き続ける 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2016年8月17日 22:07に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/7 Buy Experiences, Not Things 4,5,6 ★ 公民館英会話」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/8 Technology with the Human Touch 4,5,6 ★ 暗唱」です。
