【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/7 Buy Experiences, Not Things 4,5,6 ★ 公民館英会話






shop till you drop
fit into
dress to the nines
when you get (right) down to it
get away with
You never know.
as it were


This shift in attitudes is in large part due to the popularity of some recent scientific studies.

Every time I surf the Web, I see stories and blogs exhorting me to buy experiences instead of things.

the kind that gets stronger every time you tell a story about a particular escapade.

Like getting lost in a strange city, or having a picnic rained out.

They say no one has ever said on their deathbed.

Life is not about the tangible.

This discussion ranks as a valuable experience itself.

Experiences live on forever.

★in large part, 主に、もっぱら

This shift in attitudes is in large part due to the popularity of some recent scientific studies.

★exhort, 熱心に勧める

Every time I surf the Web, I see stories and blogs exhorting me to buy experiences instead of things.

★escapade, とっぴな行為、冒険

the kind that gets stronger every time you tell a story about a particular escapade.

★have a picnic rained out, 雨に降られてピクニックが台無し[中止]になる

Like getting lost in a strange city, or having a picnic rained out.

★deathbed, 死の床、臨終

They say no one has ever said on their deathbed.

★Life is not about the tangible. 人生は有形資産の問題ではありません。


★rank as, ~に相当する

This discussion ranks as a valuable experience itself.

★live on, 生き続ける

Experiences live on forever.


shop till you drop, 買い物三昧
passe 時代遅れ
fit into, 適合する
dress to the nines, 盛装する、めかしこむ
when you get (right) down to it, 詰まるところ、結局は、元はと言えば
get away with, ...うまくやりおおせる、...を許される、...を見逃される
You never know. この先はわかりませんよ。さあ、どうでしょう。
treasure, 大切にする、心にしまっておく
as it were, いわば 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2016年8月10日 23:45に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/7 Buy Experiences, Not Things 1,2,3 ★ 東京都知事選」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】2016/8 Technology with the Human Touch 1,2,3 ★ kindle unlimited」です。
