実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 1 Summer Camp for Adults 4,5,6 ★ お前は何をコントリビュートできるのか?



こういう一対一の打ち合わせを1x1(one on one)と言います。



What can you contribute to us? だったかな(うるおぼえ)

ice breakingもなしに、いきなりです。


これってjob interviewでの定番質問ではなかったですか?

今回のレッスンのテーマに関するyoutube videoをご紹介します。

New York City's Adult Playgrounds

ムキムキとした野郎があたかもジムにいるかのようにwork outする場所のように見えます。老親を連れて行く場所に適しているとは思えません。

3.実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 1 Summer Camp for Adults 4,5,6


dear old pater
live out one's childhood dream
get back in the saddle
a full slate of activities
keep a tally of
avian species
jolly lark
be in one's element
crass pun
be banned from
stand a better chance of
stem the rise in


Adult playgrounds are a practical application of what's known as "nudge theory." 

Adult playgrounds are also a great antidote to isolation.

The adult playground trend has caught on in a big way in the U.K. in the last few years.

The Chinese government hit upon the idea of playgrounds for adults with modern gym equipment.

What's this I hear about the "natural movement" that's becoming popular in Europe lately?

That's another exercise alternative for gym-allergic adults.

Its proponents say urban living has reduced our ability to move effortlessly and spontaneously like we used to in natural settings.

I don't think I'm quite up to that.

Companies in Britain have taken a leaf from China's book.

★nudge, 説得して...させる

Adult playgrounds are a practical application of what's known as "nudge theory." 

★antidote to isolation, 孤立化対策

Adult playgrounds are also a great antidote to isolation.


★catch on, 人気を得る、流行する、ヒットする

The adult playground trend has caught on in a big way in the U.K. in the last few years.

★hit upon an idea, 考えを思いつく

The Chinese government hit upon the idea of playgrounds for adults with modern gym equipment.

★what's this I hear about, 私が耳にする...は何ですか

What's this I hear about the "natural movement" that's becoming popular in Europe lately?

★gym-allergic, ジム嫌いの

That's another exercise alternative for gym-allergic adults.

★proponent, 提唱者、支持者

Its proponents say urban living has reduced our ability to move effortlessly and spontaneously like we used to in natural settings.

★effortlessly and spontaneously, 難なく無意識のうちに

Its proponents say urban living has reduced our ability to move effortlessly and spontaneously like we used to in natural settings.

★in a natural setting, 自然環境の中で

Its proponents say urban living has reduced our ability to move effortlessly and spontaneously like we used to in natural settings.

★be up to, ...をやりこなせる

I don't think I'm quite up to that.

★take a leaf from someone's book, (人)のやることを手本にする[まねる]

Companies in Britain have taken a leaf from China's book.

このleafですが、turn over a new leafのleafも、葉っぱではなく、書物の一枚だそうで、目から鱗です。


sylvan, 森の中の、樹木の茂った
idyllic, のどかな、牧歌的な
dear old pater, 敬愛するおやじ
live out one's childhood dream, 子供のこのろ夢をかなえる
get back in the saddle, (しばらく中断していた)活動に戻る
sedate, 物静かな、地味な
a full slate of activities, ぎっしり詰まった活動予定表
keep a tally of, ...の記録をつける、...を把握する
avian species, 鳥類
scrumptious, とてもおいしい、すばらしい
jolly lark, (ヒバリのように)非常に楽しいこと
be in one's element, 水を得た魚のようである。
crass pun, 下手なだじゃれ
seedy, いかがわしい、怪しげな、評判の悪い
be banned from, ...(に入ること)を禁止されている
stand a better chance of, ...の見込みがより高い
stem the rise in, ...の増加を食い止める
gym-averse, ジム嫌いの
dread 恐れる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2014年4月21日 10:43に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 1 Summer Camp for Adults 1,2,3 ★ 英語とゴルフ」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2014/4 Lesson 2 Vertical Farming 1,2,3 ★ aquaponicsとは」です。
