NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/12 Lesson 17 Hospital Food, Airline Food 1-6★米国に行ってきました。




前回のレッスンのOffice Holiday Partyに関する話題ですが、杉田先生に、なぜ二次会が駄目なのかをBBSで質問してみたところ、お返事をいただけました。

アメリカは車社会なのでという事だそうです。今回の出張でも、むこうの人はみなさん車通勤なので外ではあまり飲めないことがわかりました。 のBBSからどうぞ。




■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/12 Lesson 17 Hospital Food, Airline Food 1-6


on the face of it

add another wrinkle

lean toward




I was laid up for two days.

You almost make me want to check into my local hospital to sample the haute cuisine.

Because of chemotherapy, it can be difficult for them to swallow or taste their food, and they're often nauseous.

Hospitals may be upgrading their food, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for airlines to improve their act menu-wise.

In the last two decades or so, most airline food has been in terminal decline, mainly because of massive cost-cutting.

★be laid up, (病気やけがで)寝込んでいる



★haute cuisine, 高級料理

the preparation and cooking of high-quality food following the style of traditional French cuisine:

★nauseous, 吐き気を催した

affected with nausea; feeling inclined to vomit:

ex) A day later I became nauseous, was vomiting, and I started bumping into the wall - I couldn't walk straight.

nausea 吐き気

★hold one's breath, 期待する

be in a state of suspense or anticipation

ex) There are still a lot of people holding their breath, wondering how this launch will go.

★be in terminal decline, 衰退の一途をたどっている、悪くなる一方である

certain to get worse and come to an end

ex) The industry is in terminal decline.


I was laid up for two days.

You almost make me want to check into my local hospital to sample the haute cuisine.

Because of chemotherapy, it can be difficult for them to swallow or taste their food, and they're often nauseous.

Hospitals may be upgrading their food, but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for airlines to improve their act menu-wise.

In the last two decades or so, most airline food has been in terminal decline, mainly because of massive cost-cutting.


on the face of it, 一見したところ、表面上は

add another wrinkle, 別の問題をもたらす

lean toward, (ある考え、意見など)に傾く、...を支持する傾向がある

secular, 宗教色のない、非宗教色の、世俗の

pushy, 厚かましい、強引な

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年12月23日 09:04に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/11 Lesson 16 Office Holiday Party 4,5,6 ★アメリカでは二次会はNG★デイヨミからの逆かぶり」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/12 Lesson 18 Money and Happiness 1,2,3 ★ Big Bang Theory ★ Bizmatesの教え方とは」です。
