NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/16 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (3)★副鼻腔炎★Espresso English





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■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/16 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (3)

improved cultural literacyのimprovedが印象的でした。



pitch in
picturesque sights
exotic locale
far-flung part of the world
kudos to
close to home
Charity begins at home.


When it's done right, it can help people who are in distress.

It can be an eye-opener for those of us who lead relatively  cosseted lives
in the developed world.

That strikes a chord with me.

It promised to be a nostalgic experience for us, because we first met as
Peace Corps volunteers on an agricultural conservation project in Peru
when we were young.

Many people in the developed world lead sheltered lives.

Does Ron think voluntourism will take him back?

Volunteer work can remind people to count their blessings.

in distress, 困って、(船が)難破して

extreme anxiety, sorrow, or pain:

ex) Her fingers flew to her throat in distress.

lead, (...の生活を)過ごす、送る、暮らす
have or experience (a particular way of life)

ex) She's led a completely sheltered life.

lead a quiet[busy, miserable, dog's] life

cosseted, 甘やかされた

[with obj.] care for and protect in an over indulgent way:

ex) All her life she'd been cosseted by her family.

That strikes a chord with me. 私はそれに共感する。 
strike ( or touch) a chord

cause someone to feel sympathy, emotion, or enthusiasm:

ex) The issue of food safety strikes a chord with almost everyone.

it promised to be, それは...になりそうだ
[with obj.] give good grounds for expecting (a particular occurrence)

ex) It promised to be a night that all would remember.

Peace Corps, 平和部隊(発展途上国の援助のためにアメリカからボランティア
an organization sending young people to work as volunteers in developing 

Peace Corpsは海外青年協力隊みたいものでしょうか。

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
lead sheltered life, 世間の荒波から守られた生活をする [Daily Exerciseより]
take someone back, 人に過去を思い出させる [Daily Exerciseより]
count one's blessings, 不平を言うより自分が恵まれていることを思い起こす [Daily Exerciseより]


When it's done right, it can help people who are in distress.

It can be an eye-opener for those of us who lead relatively  cosseted lives
in the developed world.

That strikes a chord with me.

It promised to be a nostalgic experience for us, because we first met as
Peace Corps volunteers on an agricultural conservation project in Peru
when we were young.

Many people in the developed world lead sheltered lives.

Does Ron think voluntourism will take him back?

Volunteer work can remind people to count their blessings.


pitch in, 協力する、参加する
picturesque sights, (絵のように)美しい名所
exotic locale, 異国的な場所、エキゾチックな場所
far-flung part of the world, (世界の)遠く離れた地域
sobering, まじめにさせる、考えさせられる
kudos to, ...に対する称賛、...は称賛に値する
close to home, 身近で
Charity begins at home. 愛はまず身内から

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年3月23日 22:39に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/15 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (2)★the new iPad★CaptureStream」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/21 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (4)★2011年度最終週★ラングリッチ」です。
