NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/15 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (2)★the new iPad★CaptureStream


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■NHKラジオ  実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/15 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (2)


have a blast, 大いに楽しむ
be absorbed in, ...に熱中[没頭]している
as a bonus, おまけに 
reaffirm, 再確認する
faith, 信頼
mobilize, (力、富、人などを)結集する
be headed for the scrapheap, ダメになる、廃業に追い込まれる、切り捨てられる
put one's shoulder to the wheel, 懸命に努力する[取り組む]
in aid of, ...を支援して、...を援助するために
cause, 目的、運動、主義、主張
read up on, (書物などを読んで)...をよく調べる[研究する] 


We're going to pitch in and help with the cleanup that's still going on in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina.

You can also enjoy the city's many first-class restaurants and
picturesque sights.

Voluntourism is usually associated with more exotic locales in far-flung
parts of the world.

It's sobering but also enlightening to realize that we might also need such help.

Jack, kudos to you for offering your services to the folks down there
in the Crescent City, especially now that Katrina is no longer in the headlines.

I'm familiar with the concept of voluntourism, but doing it so close to home
is a new one on me.

But as it's often said, charity begins at home.

pitch in, 協力する、参加する
pitch in (with sb/sth) (informal)

to join in and help with an activity, by doing some of the work or by
giving money, advice, etc

ex) Everyone pitched on with the work.

picturesque sights, (絵のように)美しい名所

(of a place or building) visually attractive, especially in a quaint or charming way:

ex) Ruined abbeys and picturesque villages

exotic locale, 異国的な場所、エキゾチックな場所

a place where something happens or is set, or that has particular events
associated with it:

ex) Her summers were spent in a variety of exotic locales.

far-flung part of the world, (世界の)遠く離れた地域

distant or remote:

ex) The far-flung corners of the world

sobering, まじめにさせる、考えさせられる
making you feel serious and think carefully

ex) a sobering effect / experience / thought, etc

kudos to, ...に対する称賛、...は称賛に値する

[mass noun] praise and honour received for an achievement:

ex) Still a win is a win and the champs will find a way to win when its
necessary so kudos to Detroit.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
close to home, 身近で
Charity begins at home. 愛はまず身内から


We're going to pitch in and help with the cleanup that's still going on in the
wake of Hurricane Katrina.

You can also enjoy the city's many first-class restaurants and
picturesque sights.

Voluntourism is usually associated with more exotic locales in far-flung
parts of the world.

It's sobering but also enlightening to realize that we might also need such help.

Jack, kudos to you for offering your services to the folks down there
in the Crescent City, especially now that Katrina is no longer in the headlines.

I'm familiar with the concept of voluntourism, but doing it so close to home
is a new one on me.

But as it's often said, charity begins at home.


have a blast, 大いに楽しむ
be absorbed in, ...に熱中[没頭]している
as a bonus, おまけに 
reaffirm, 再確認する
faith, 信頼
mobilize, (力、富、人などを)結集する
be headed for the scrapheap, ダメになる、廃業に追い込まれる、切り捨てられる
put one's shoulder to the wheel, 懸命に努力する[取り組む]
in aid of, ...を支援して、...を援助するために
cause, 目的、運動、主義、主張
read up on, (書物などを読んで)...をよく調べる[研究する] 

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2012年3月22日 23:29に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/14 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (1)★ボランツーリズム★Voice of AmericaのLearning English」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2012/3/16 Lesson 24 Voluntourism Thrives (3)★副鼻腔炎★Espresso English」です。
