NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/11 Lesson 9 Career and Money (5) ★ Google Chromeブラウザをお使いの方への情報です

Google Chromeブラウザをお使いの方への情報です。

『TOEIC』試験、英語学習に使える『Google Chrome』の拡張機能





■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/11 Lesson 9 Career and Money (5)




That's nothing to sneeze at
give one's blessing
foot the bill
make a sizable dent in
with no end in sight
do a double-take


But the prospect of being saddled with debt that may take
years to pay off doesn't seems to faze students.

It's still an article of faith that a college education is the key
to success.

Knowing just how onerous a burden student-loan repayments
can be, I try to impress upon Jim the need to develop good
financial habits.

I'm always badgering him to set aside money whenever he
can as insurance for a rainy day.

be saddled with, ...を負う、...を抱える

If you saddle someone with a problem or with a responsiblity,
you put them in a position where they have to deal with it.

ex) The war devastated the economy and saddled the country
with a huge foreign debt.    

faze, 困惑させる、おじけつかせる
If something fazes you, it surprises, shocks, or frightens you,
so that you do not know what to do. [INFORMAL]

ex) He wasn't a bit fazed by the fact that I was gay.

article of faith, 信条、固く信じていること
If something is an article of faith for a person or group, they
believe in it totally.

ex) It used to be an article of faith that a man's career was
more important than the convenience of his family.

onerous, 煩わしい、やっかいな
If you describe a task as onerous, you dislike having to do it
because you find it difficult or unpleasant. [FORMAL]

ex) parents who have had the onerous task of bringing up
a very difficult child.

badger, しつこくせまる、口をすっぱくして言う
If you badger someone, you repeatedly tell them to do
something or repeatedly ask them questions.

ex) She badgered her doctor time and again, pledging with
him to do something.

 その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
student-loan default, 学資ローンの債務不履行
manageable, 処理[管理]できる、手に負える
set aside money, お金を取っておく[ためておく]
counsel, 忠告、助言
insurance for a rainy day, まさかの時のための保険


But the prospect of being saddled with debt that may take
years to pay off doesn't seems to faze students.

It's still an article of faith that a college education is the key
to success.

Knowing just how onerous a burden student-loan repayments
can be, I try to impress upon Jim the need to develop good
financial habits.

I'm always badgering him to set aside money whenever he
can as insurance for a rainy day.


That's nothing to sneeze at, それは軽視できない 
give one's blessing, 承認する、賛成する
foot the bill, 支払いをする、費用を出す
dissuade, 思いとどまらせる
make a sizable dent in, ...を大幅に減らす
thoughtfulness, 思いやり、心遣い
pocketbook, 資力、懐具合、台所(事情)
modest, 適度の、ほどほどの、そこそこの
with no end in sight, 終わりが見えないで、いつまで続くかわからなくて
do a double-take, びっくりして見直す

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年8月15日 10:20に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/10 Lesson 9 Career and Money (4) ★ aloneは一人とは限らないって知ってた?」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/08/12 Lesson 9 Career and Money (6) ★ lang-8を再開しました」です。
