NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/18 Lesson 4 Secure Air Travel (1) ★ Did you watch TEDxTokyo and 会社の星 ?




















■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/18 Lesson 4 Secure Air Travel (1)


have (got) one's work cut out for one

fill someone's shoes

be spoiled for choice

humbling feeling

come in all shapes and sizes


I've been up to my neck in work getting ready to visit the

West Coast.

It spells out in black and white the dangers facing air

passengers these days and the precautions they can

take to make traveling a safer experience.

I like to think of myself as a hardened road warrior when it

comes to business travel, but that list of risks and safety

measures made me feel just a bit paranoid.

I'm starting to get cold feet about getting getting on that

big bird.

What exactly does it say about air travel security and

how to steer clear of trouble?


be up to one's neck, とても忙しい、かかりきりである


If you say that someone is up to their neck in something

bad such as debt or corruption, you mean that they are

very deeply involved in it. [INFORMAL]

ex) The prime Minister was up to his neck in scandal.



in black and white, 文書で、はっきりと


If someone sees things in black and white, they see complex

issues in simple terms of right and wrong. If a situation

appears black and white, it seems to be a simple question

of right and wrong, although it may in fact be very complex.

These expressions are often used to criticize people who

treat complex things in a very simple way.

You can also talk about a black and white question or issues,

or about seeing things in black and white terms.

ex) The media portray the news in black-and-white terms.



hardened, 常習的な、経験豊富な、鍛えられた


If you describe someone as hardened, you mean that they 

have had so much experience of something bad or

unpleasant that they are no longer affected by it in the way

that other people would be.

ex) hardened criminals

hardened politicians



get cold feet about, ...におじけづく、...が怖くなる


If you get cold feet or have cold feet about something,

you are not sure whether you want to do it, or you become

too nervous and worried to do it.

ex) I feel your boyfriend got cold feet about being in a

committed relationship. He may even have fallen

out of love.


steer clear of trouble, トラブルを避ける


If you steer clear of someone or something, you

deliberately avoid them.

ex) I think a lot of people, women in particular, steer clear

of these sensitive issues.



その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


preachy, 説教じみた、お説教臭い

eye-opener, 目を開かせるもの

intimidating, (人を)不安にさせる[おじけづかせる]

paranoid, 被害妄想の、被害妄想にとりつかれた


I've been up to my neck in work getting ready to visit the

West Coast.

It spells out in black and white the dangers facing air

passengers these days and the precautions they can

take to make traveling a safer experience.

I like to think of myself as a hardened road warrior when it

comes to business travel, but that list of risks and safety

measures made me feel just a bit paranoid.

I'm starting to get cold feet about getting getting on that

big bird.

What exactly does it say about air travel security and

how to steer clear of trouble?


have (got) one's work cut out for one, (人)が苦労する、


fill someone's shoes, (人)の代役を果たす、(人)の後任となる

be spoiled for choice, (選択肢が多くて)選ぶのに困る、


humbling feeling, 謙虚な[屈辱的な、惨めな]気分

come in all shapes and sizes, さまざまな種類がある[いる]


月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年5月23日 22:47に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/13 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (6) ★ TEDxTokyo」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/19 Lesson 4 Secure Air Travel (2) ★ 英語はインプットが大事」です。
