NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/29 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (3) ★ 安藤美姫選手の英語力










■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/29 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (3)



stale cliche

stock phrase


stick in someone's craw

tip the balance in someone's favor




Besides begin trite, those cliched phrases really don't tell

you anything special about the applicant.

It's an oft-repeated claim that the average American will

have seven careers in their lifetime.

I found that rather presumptuous, if not downright greedy.

I want to hear concrete examples of how they've developed 

and used those alleged skills.

Or is that the norm in today's fast-paced business world?


trite, ありふれた、陳腐な


= cliche

If you say that something such as an idea, remark, or story

is trite, you mean that it is dull and boring because it has

been said or told too many times.

ex) The simple concepts he had been taught now sounds

trite and naive.


oft-repeated claim, しばしば繰り返される主張



Oft combines with past participles to form adjectives that

mean that something happens or is done often.


ex) The Foreign Secretary's views on the treaty are

well-documented and oft-repeated.


downright, まったく、とんでもなく、紛れもなく


You use downright to emphasize unpleasant or bad

qualities or behaviour.

ex) ideas that would have been downright dangerous 

if put into practice.


alleged, 申し立てられた、...であるとされている


An alleged fact has been stated but has not been proven

to be true. [FORMAL]

ex) a list of alleged war criminals.


norm, 標準、基準、普通のこと、当たり前のこと


If you say that a situation is the norm, you mean that

it is usual and expected.

ex) Families of six or seven are the norm in Borough Park.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現




Besides begin trite, those cliched phrases really don't tell

you anything special about the applicant.

It's an oft-repeated claim that the average American will

have seven careers in their lifetime.

I found that rather presumptuous, if not downright greedy.

I want to hear concrete examples of how they've developed 

and used those alleged skills.

Or is that the norm in today's fast-paced business world?


stale cliche, 陳腐な決まり文句、使い古された常とう句

stock phrase, 決まり文句

self-motivated, 自発的な、自主的な、意欲的な

stick in someone's craw, (人)のしゃくにさわる、


tip the balance in someone's favor, (人)にとって有利に働く

result-oriented, 結果重視の

showcase, 披露する、売り込む

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年5月 7日 14:15に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/28 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (2) ★ 24 season2 completed」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/11 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (4) ★ 「英語が会社の公用語になる日」」です。
