NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/28 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (2) ★ 24 season2 completed





It's protocol. 規則ですから。

There is no margin for error. へまは許されない。

Don't try me. 俺を見くびらないでくれ

chopper  ヘリ

cut a deal 取引する

You owe him that. その義理はあるはずだ

That's fair enough. それで十分だ。

treason 反逆罪

resent 反対する

set up はめる

collateral damage 付随被害(軍事攻撃の際の民間人への被害のこと)

sting operation おとり捜査

Don't insult my intelligence. 私を甘く見ないでくれ

You're bluffing.  はったりだな

Abort the attack!  攻撃中止!

in the11th hour  土壇場で



■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/28 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (2)

result-oriented professional(結果重視のプロ)という言葉が面接では








be taken aback

rude and presumptuous

offhand and curt

have (got) one's work cut out for one

fill someone's shoes

be spoiled for choice

humbling feeling          

come in all shapes and sizes


Speaking of writing skills, I've been rereading the candidates'

resumes and cover letters and I was struck by how many

of them repeat the same stale cliches.

Some of my least-favorite stock phrases are "self-motivated,"

"team player" and "results-oriented professional."

The last one really sticks in my craw.

In today's world, that can tip the balance in a candidate's favor.


stale cliche, 陳腐な決まり文句、使い古された常とう句


If you say that a place, an activity, or an idea is stale,

you mean that it has become boring because it is always

the same.

ex) The Government, he said, were sticking to stale ideas.



stock phrase, 決まり文句


A stock answer, expression, or way of doing something

is one that is very commonly used, especially because

people cannot be bothered to think of something new.

ex) My boss had a stock response - 'If it ain't broke, don't 

fix it!'...


self-motivated, 自発的な、自主的な、意欲的な



motivated to do or achieve something because of one's own

enthusiasm or interest, without needing pressure from others.

ex) She's a very independent self-motivated individual.


stick in someone's craw, (人)のしゃくにさわる、



If something sticks in your throat, it makes you annoyed

or impatient. 'Craw' and 'gullet' are sometimes used

instead of 'throat',

ex) But it sticks in my craw that such people think that 

they still have something to tell the rest of us about

politics, economics, history or morality.


tip the balance in someone's favor, (人)にとって有利に働く


tip he balance, tip the scales

When two possible outcomes of a situation seem equally

likely, and then something happens which is sufficient

to produce one outcome rather than the other, you can say

that this thing tips the balance or tips the scales.

ex) As the election looms, the two main parties appear

so evenly matched that just one issue could tip the



その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


result-oriented, 結果重視の

showcase, 披露する、売り込む


Speaking of writing skills, I've been rereading the candidates'

resumes and cover letters and I was struck by how many

of them repeat the same stale cliches.

Some of my least-favorite stock phrases are "self-motivated,"

"team player" and "results-oriented professional."

The last one really sticks in my craw.

In today's world, that can tip the balance in a candidate's favor.


shortlist, 最終候補者に選ぶ

eclectic, (選択範囲が)幅広い、多様な、いろいろな

be taken aback, びっくりする、めんくらう

rude and presumptuous, 無礼で厚かましい

offhand and curt, 無愛想でそっけない、ぶっきらぼうな

have (got) one's work cut out for one, (人)が苦労する、


fill someone's shoes, (人)の代役を果たす、(人)の後任となる

be spoiled for choice, (選択肢が多くて)選ぶのに困る、


humbling feeling, 謙虚な[屈辱的な、惨めな]気分

come in all shapes and sizes, さまざまな種類がある[いる]


月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年5月 5日 16:30に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/27 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (1) ★ 24 season 2でボキャビル」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/04/29 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (3) ★ 安藤美姫選手の英語力」です。
