NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Boot Camp for Pre-Retirees (4) 12/8 2010 ★ とつぜん会社が英語になったら... 「まっとうな英語」のすすめ

とつぜん会社が英語になったら... 「まっとうな英語」のすすめ







とつぜん会社が英語になったら... 「まっとうな英語」のすすめ

とつぜん会社が英語になったら... 「まっとうな英語」のすすめ 20101215223812
■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Boot Camp for Pre-Retirees (4) 12/8 2010



get into a mind-set
have too much time on one's hand
self-made man
drive someone nuts
to everyone's great relief


I've got all sorts of projects lined up for my retirement.

I've read that that's not an option for a growing number of
Americans, whose retirement savings have been wiped out by
the financial crisis.

The nationwide fall in housing prices is also hampering
people's retirement plans, and the health-insurance system
is seriously ailing.

I know some people whose dreams of a relaxing retirement
are now in tatters.

line up, ...を手配[確保]する、...を準備[用意]する
If you line up an event or activity, you arrange for it to
happen. If you line someone up for an event or activity,
you arrange for them to be available for that event or

ex) I lined up executives, politicians and educators to
serve on the board of directors.


be wiped out, 一掃される、全滅する、消滅する
To wipe someone or something out means to destroy or get
rid of them completely.

[NOTE] Eradicate is a more formal word for wipe out.

ex) Epidemics wiped out the local population.

hamper, 妨げる、阻害する
If someone or something hampers you, they makes it difficult
for you to do what you are trying to do.

they makes itとmakeにsが付いていますが、コウビルドには

ex) The bad weather hampered rescue operations.

prevent, hinderが同意語です。

ailing, 苦しんでいる、弱っている
An ailing organization or society is in difficulty and is
becoming weaker.

ex) The rise in overseas sales is good news for the ailing
American economy.

be in tatters, ずたずたになっている
If you say that something such as a plan or a person's
state of mind is in tatters, you are emphasizing that
it is weak, has suffered a lot of damage, and is likely
to fail completely.

ex) The economy is in tatters.

be in rags and tatters とも言います。

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
★outlet for, ...のはけ口


I've got all sorts of projects lined up for my retirement.

I've read that that's not an option for a growing number of
Americans, whose retirement savings have been wiped out by
the financial crisis.

The nationwide fall in housing prices is also hampering
people's retirement plans, and the health-insurance system
is seriously ailing.

I know some people whose dreams of a relaxing retirement
are now in tatters.


get into a mind-set, (ある)考え方[物の見方]をする
Spartan, 質素な、簡素な
have too much time on one's hand, 自由な時間がありすぎる、
self-made man, 自力で成功した男性、たたき上げの男性
drive someone nuts, (人)をいらいらさせる
to everyone's great relief, だれもがとてもほっとしたことに

月別 アーカイブ


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