NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Boot Camp for Pre-Retirees (2) 12/2 2010 ★ スマートグリッドを支える新技術に前首相も興味津々- エコプロダクツ2010





- エコプロダクツ2010
■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Boot Camp for Pre-Retirees (2) 12/2 2010



reenlist in the service
That's a new one on me.
investment advisory firm


I have a sentimental attachment to the city because I went
to college there.

Being a college town gives Columbus a vibrant, youthful 

One thing they really drive home is the need to have paid
off your mortgage, if you have one.

Sound like a solid program with a lot of number-crunching.

sentimental attachment to, ...に対する感傷的な愛着、
If you have an attachment to someone or something, you are
fond of them or loyal to them.

ex) As a teenager she formed a strong attachment to one of
her teachers.

vibrant, youthful atmosphere, 活気に満ちた若々しい雰囲気
Someone or something that is vibrant is full of life,
energy, and enthusiasm.

ex) Orlando itself is a vibrant, full of affordable 
accommodation and great places to eat.

drive home, ...をよく理解させる
make something clearly understood by the use of repeated
or forcefully direct arguments.

ex) we must drive home the message that crime doesn't pay.

pay off one's mortgage, 住宅ローンを完済する
If you pay off a debt, you give someone all the money
that you owe them.

ex) It would take him the rest of his life to pay off the loan.

number-crunching, (込み入った)計算
If you refer to number crunching, you mean activities or
processes concerned with numbers or mathematical calculation, 
for example in finance, statistics, or computing. [INFORMAL]

ex) The computer does most of the number crunching.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
spend one's golden years, 老後を過ごす
take a long, hard look at something, 将来のためにじっくりと検討する
insurance coverage, 保険の補償(範囲)
solid, しっかりした、頼りになる、堅実な
It left my head reeling. それのせいで頭が混乱した。
project expenditures, 支出を予測する、支出を見積もる
weigh A against B, AをBと比較検討する
must-do, すべきこと、不可欠なこと
cover all (the) bases, 万全の準備を整える、徹底的にやる


I have a sentimental attachment to the city because I went
to college there.

Being a college town gives Columbus a vibrant, youthful 

One thing they really drive home is the need to have paid
off your mortgage, if you have one.

Sound like a solid program with a lot of number-crunching.


downtime, 休憩時間、休息、休暇
reenlist in the service, 軍に再入隊する
That's a new one on me. それは初耳だ。 
investment advisory firm, 投資顧問会社
pre-retiree, 退職を控えた人、引退予備軍

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年12月15日 22:36に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Boot Camp for Pre-Retirees (1) 12/1 2010 ★ A trusted resource for adults 50 plus」です。

次のブログ記事は「 11月の読書メーター」です。
