NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (3) 8/20 2010



『iPhone英語勉強法』で情報ゲット! オイラがぐっと来たiPhoneアプリたち

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (3) 8/20 2010



cash-strapped rival
cut something to the bone
Penny wise, pound foolish.
That's the word around the water cooler.
get an edge on
business jaunt
fishing expedition


But other trips that are considered more marginal, like
internal meetings, trade shows and training sessions, are
being axed.

I find air travel to be less enjoyable these days because
of the crowding and the heightened security.

But I know it's necessary to take precautions against
the threat of terrorism.

I do when I'm standing in line with dozens of other people
waiting endlessly for my bag to be searched by an airport
security staffer.

marginal, 重要でない
If you describe something as marginal, you mean that it is
small or not very important.

ex) The role of the oppsition party proved marginal.

ax, 打ち切る、減らす
If someone's job or something such as a public service or
a television programme is axed, it is ended suddenly and
without discussion.

ex) Community projects are being axed by hard-pressed
social services departments.

heightened security, 強化された警戒
If something heightens a feeling or if the feeling heightens,
the feeling increases in degree or intensity.

ex) a heightened awareness of the dangers that they now face.

take precautions against, ...に対する予防措置を講じる
A precaution is an action that is intended to prevent something
dangerous or unpleasant from happening.

ex) I had taken the precaution of doing a little research
before I left London.

security staffer, 警備員
A staffer is a member of staff, especially in political
organizations or in journalism. [mainly AM]

ex) The Sky News TV station is largely run by ex-BBC news

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現


But other trips that are considered more marginal, like
internal meetings, trade shows and training sessions, are
being axed.

I find air travel to be less enjoyable these days because
of the crowding and the heightened security.

But I know it's necessary to take precautions against
the threat of terrorism.

I do when I'm standing in line with dozens of other people
waiting endlessly for my bag to be searched by an airport
security staffer.


crunch, 正念場、ふんばり時
cash-strapped rival, 資金難のライバル会社
cut something to the bone, (出費など)をぎりぎりまで切り詰める
Penny wise, pound foolish. , 一文惜しみの百失い。
That's the word around the water cooler. , そんなうわさが
get an edge on, ...より優位に立つ
business jaunt, 出張
fishing expedition, 探りを入れること、情報収集(活動)
well-run, 経営状態のよい

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年9月 1日 00:36に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「Cat Cafes」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (4) 8/25 2010」です。
