NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Climate Survey (4) 8/4 2010



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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Climate Survey (4) 8/4 2010



for what it's worth
gut feeling
insofar as
what with
eat into
be inclined to
steadily escalating cost
get someone down
happy camper
take-home pay


People who have no passion for their work aren't going
to go that extra mile.

And a country can lose its competitive edge in the world
economy if you've got a disproportionately high number
of disgruntled workers.

Many of them have to settle for a low-paying position
for which they're overqualified.

It can certainly be very demoralizing for people who've
worked hard to obtain qualifications or who've struggled
hard to climb up the corporate ladder to suddenly find
themselves in that kind of situation.

go the extra mile, いっそうの努力をする、もうひとがんばりする
If you say that someone is willing to go the extra mile,
you mean that they are willing to make a special effort
to do or achieve something.

ex) The president is determined to go the extra mile for peace.

disproportionately high, 不釣合いに高い、極端に多い
Something that is disproportionate is surprising or
unreasonable in amount or size, compared with something

ex) There is a disproportionately high suicide rate among
prisoners facing very long sentences.

settle for, ...で我慢する、...に甘んじる
If you settle for something, you choose or accept it, even
though it is not what you really want, because nothing
else is available.

ex) Don't settle for second best.

demoralizing, 意欲[やる気]を失わせる、がっくりさせる
If something is demoralizing, it makes you lose so much
confidence in what you are doing that you want to give up.

ex) Redundancy can be a demoralising prospect.

qualifications, (仕事などの)能力、資格、スキル
The qualifications you need for an activity or task are the
qualities and skills that you need to be able to do it.

ex) Responsibility and reliability are necessary qualifications,
as well as a friendly and outgoing personality.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
grim prospect, 厳しい見通し、暗い展望
horror story, (実際の)ひどい話、恐ろしい話
overqualified, 能力[経験]がありすぎる、学歴が高すぎる


People who have no passion for their work aren't going
to go that extra mile.

And a country can lose its competitive edge in the world
economy if you've got a disproportionately high number
of disgruntled workers.

Many of them have to settle for a low-paying position
for which they're overqualified.

It can certainly be very demoralizing for people who've
worked hard to obtain qualifications or who've struggled
hard to climb up the corporate ladder to suddenly find
themselves in that kind of situation.


for what it's worth, 余計なことかもしれないが、一応言わせて
gut feeling, 直感、勘
insofar as, ...するかぎり(では)
what with, ...のせいで、...のために
eat into, ...に食い込む、...を徐々に減らす
faction, 派閥、...派
be inclined to, ...したいと思う、...してもいい気がする
steadily escalating cost, 徐々にかさむ費用
get someone down, (人)をめいらせる、(人)を落ち込ませる
worrisome, 気がかりな、心配な、やっかいな
happy camper, (現状に)満足している人
take-home pay, 手取りの給料

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年8月10日 21:50に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Climate Survey (3) 7/30 2010」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Climate Survey (5) 8/5 2010」です。
