NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Doctor Visits (2) 1/7 2010


BOOK REVIEW - 半導体業界は"技術立国・ニッポン"の幻想から
■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Doctor Visits (2) 1/7 2010


A typical statement articulates the positive rights which 
doctors and hospitals ought to uphold for patients.

To be honest, I'd heard horror stories about so-called
18-second doctors who pay only cursory attention to their

I've run into doctors like that.

They're under tremendous pressure to process hordes of
patients day in and day out.

uphold, 守る、擁護する
If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a
decision, you support and maintain it.

ex) Our poilcy has been to uphold the law.

horror story, (実際の)恐ろしい話、ひどい話
You can refer to an account of a very unpleasant experience
or event as a horror story.


ex) a horror story about lost luggage while flying.

pay cursory attention to, ...に大ざっぱな注意しか払わない
A cusory glance or examination is a brief one in which you
do not pay much attention to detail.

ex) Burke cast a cursory glance at the menu, then flapped
it shut.

run into, (人)にばったり会う、(人)に出くわす
If you run into someone, you meet them unexpectedly.

ex) He ran into Krettner in the corridor a few minutes later.

process hordes of patients, 大勢の患者に対処する
If you describe a crowd of people as a horde, you mean that
the crowd is very large and exited and often, rather
frightening or unpleasant.

ex) This attracts hordes of tourists to Las Vegas.

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年1月11日 13:22に書いたブログ記事です。

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