NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (3) 4/17 2009

世界最大のセキュリティの国際会議であるRSA conference2009が4月20日から24日までサンフランシスコのモンスコーンセンターで開催されました。



個人的に特筆すべきは初日のパネルディスカッションで、Diffie、Hellman、Rivest、Shamirという、教科書に載っている暗号学者と、セキュリティの著書も多いBruce Schneierが出ていることです。

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (3) 4/17 2009


Many parents just can't afford to subsidize a long, drawn-out stint at
college for students who switch majors as they try to figure what's
best for them.

I've found that one good way to gain insights into teenagers' thinking
is to log on to one of the many popular socail networking sites.

But as the recession really starts to bite, I think more people are
realizing that finding a job that offers some semblance of stability
and long-term prospects is at least as important as finding one that
meets criteia such as income, freedom, creative potential and the like.

drawn-out, 長期にわたる
= protracted

You can describe something as drawn-out when it lasts or takes longer
than you would like to do.

ex) The road to peace will be long and drawn-out.

stint, 活動期間
A stint is a period of time which you spend doing a particular job or
activity or working in a particular place.

ex) He is returning to this country after a five-year stint in Hong Kong.

gain insight into, ...を見抜く
If you gain insight or an insight into a complex situation or problem,
you gain an accurate and deep understanding of it.

ex) I hope that this talk has given you some insight into the kind of
the work that we've been doing.

bite, 影響を及ぼす
When an action or policy begins to bite, it begins to have a serious
or harmful effect.

ex) The recession started biting deeply into British industry
in the early eighties.

semblance of stability, 見た目の安定性
If there is a semblance of a particular condition or quality, it appears
to exists, even though this may be a false impression. [FORMAL]

ex) At least a semblance of normality has been restored to parts of
the country.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
subsidize, (お金を出して)援助する
switch majors, 専攻を変える
sense of perspective, 物事を広い視野でとらえる感覚、物事の全体像を
what makes someone tick, (人)を動かす [行動させる] 動機 [理由]
range of contacts, 交流範囲
meet criteria, 基準に合致する

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2009年5月 3日 10:55に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (2) 4/16 2009」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Daughers and Sons at the Workplace (4) 4/22 2009」です。
