【ビジ英徹底復習】201702 Boomerangers on the Rise 1,2,3 ★ 新しいプロジェクト

(2)で、Technology makes it easier for employees to check out the various options that are available to them とあります。

転職の選択肢を詳しく調べることのできるテクノロジーで、思いつくのは、social mediaのLinkedInです。



実際、私が載せている職種と同じ職種のjob offerも来ます。








have had it up to here with
I wouldn't bet on it.
hit on the old pocketbook
take hold
in the final analysis
steel oneself


Boomerangers? That's a nice way of putting it. Much better than retread.

There's even a written policy in some cases not to hire former employees - even if the employee left in good standing.

They run the risk of not keeping up with the times if they don't change.

The median tenure for workers between 25 and 34 is three years.

People are less likely to stay in what they see as a rut if they're aware of the alternatives.

My impression is that employers are more tolerant of that kind of thing these days.

★retread, 再雇用者

Boomerangers? That's a nice way of putting it. Much better than retread.

★in good standing, (関係、信用などが)良好な状態で

There's even a written policy in some cases not to hire former employees - even if the employee left in good standing.

★keep up with the times, 時代の流れについていく

They run the risk of not keeping up with the times if they don't change.

★median tenure, 平均在職期間

The median tenure for workers between 25 and 34 is three years.

★rut, 決まりきった型、マンネリ

People are less likely to stay in what they see as a rut if they're aware of the alternatives.

★tolerant of, ...に耐える、...に寛容な

My impression is that employers are more tolerant of that kind of thing these days.


have had it up to here with, ...にはもううんざりだ、...はもうたくさんだ
I wouldn't bet on it. それはどうでしょうね。それはありえないと思いますよ。
hit on the old pocketbook, 懐への打撃
take hold, 根付く、定着する
in the final analysis, 結局は、つまるところ、最終的には
steel oneself, 決意を固める、覚悟を決める、勇気を出す

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2017年2月19日 09:46に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201701 Food Market Trends 4,5,6 ★ TOEIC 2017」です。

次のブログ記事は「【ビジ英徹底復習】201702 Boomerangers on the Rise 4,5,6 ★ このthe payはなんなんでしょうか」です。
