実践ビジネス英語 2013/3 Lesson 23 Tips for the Real World 1,2,3 ★ リスニングの問題再び







3.実践ビジネス英語 2013/3 Lesson 23 Tips for the Real World 1,2,3


keep someone afloat

catch flak for


small fry

hold one's own against

when the going gets rough

come off

wear sackcloth and ashes


be spoiled for choices

no fewer than

There are only so many minutes in the day.

wind up


That kind of experience can be invaluable in helping students get a good perspective on life and work as they prepare to enter the real world of careers and responsibility.

I think we Canadians and our cousins to the south have pretty much the same take on how to teach our kids about financial responsibility.

It's something that seems to be deeply ingrained in our culture.

You can see that in the expression "filthy lucre."

My wife and I would often let Jim do that when he was just a little tyke.

I've always been a firm believer in giving children an allowance in exchange for doing chores.

It instilled in him a solid appreciation for the value of money and hard work.

I explained that if we didn't pay off the whole bill at the end of the month, we'd have to pay extra to the credit card company.

★invaluable, 非常に貴重な、大いに役立つ

extremely useful; indispensable:

ex)  An invaluable source of information

★our cousins to the south, 私たちの南にいる(仲間である)アメリカ国民


(usu. cousins) a person of a kindred race or nation:

ex) Do we never learn from our American and European cousins?

★be ingrained in, ...にしみこんでいる、...に根づいている


(of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or established; difficult to change:

ex) His deeply ingrained Catholic convictions.

★filthy lucre, 不浄な金、悪銭


disgustingly dirty:

ex) A filthy hospital with no sanitation


[mass noun] money, especially when regarded as sordid or dis tasteful or gained in a dishonorable way:

ex) Officials getting their hands grubby with filthy lucre.

★tyke, 小さな子供、ちびっ子

<informal> a small child, especially a cheeky or mischievous one:

ex) Is the little tyke up to his tricks again?

★give someone an allowance, (人)に小遣いをあげる


a sum of money paid regularly to a person to meet needs or expenses:

chiefly <N. Amer.> a small amount of money given regularly to a child by its parents:

★instill in someone, (人)に...を植え付ける[教え込む]


gradually but firmly establish ( an idea or attitude) in a person's mind:

ex) The standards her parents had instilled into her.

★pay off, ...を全額払う、...を完済する

pay a debt in full:

ex) When the debt is paid off, does he need to continue paying rent?

pay offには、yield good results;という意味もあります。

ex) All the hard work I had done over the summer paid off.


That kind of experience can be invaluable in helping students get a good perspective on life and work as they prepare to enter the real world of careers and responsibility.

I think we Canadians and our cousins to the south have pretty much the same take on how to teach our kids about financial responsibility.

It's something that seems to be deeply ingrained in our culture.

You can see that in the expression "filthy lucre."

My wife and I would often let Jim do that when he was just a little tyke.

I've always been a firm believer in giving children an allowance in exchange for doing chores.

It instilled in him a solid appreciation for the value of money and hard work.

I explained that if we didn't pay off the whole bill at the end of the month, we'd have to pay extra to the credit card company.


keep someone afloat, (人、企業など)を(経済的に)持ちこたえさせる、...を破産させない

catch flak for, ...のために激しい非難を浴びる

undercut, (ほかの会社など)より安く売る

small fry, 取るに足りない人[もの]、小物、小さな存在

hold one's own against, ...に負けない、...に引けを取らない、...に対抗する

when the going gets rough, 状況が厳しくなっている時に

come off, 印象を与える

wear sackcloth and ashes, (自分のしたことを)悲しんでいる[後悔して]いる

profusion, 豊富、多量、多数

be spoiled for choices, (選択肢が多くて)選ぶのに困る(というぜいたくな状況である)

no fewer than, そんなに多くの数の

There are only so many minutes in the day. 一日に使える時間は限られている

wind up, (結局)...になる

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2013年3月17日 12:28に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/2 Lesson 22 Shopping Online and Offline 4,5,6★オンラインショッピング」です。

次のブログ記事は「実践ビジネス英語 2013/3 Lesson 23 Tips for the Real World 4,5,6★帰国後はやはりビジ英」です。
