NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/12 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (5) ★ めざせ会社の星 「英語をあきらめない! 前編」


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■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/12 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (5)



flashy jewelry

err on the side of


put the shoe on the other foot

rule of thumb

talk dollars and cents

to the point where



Well, I make a point of asking job applicants in what way

the position on offer will stretch and challenge their 

professional capabilities.

It may indicate the interviewee hasn't worked in a high-risk

or creative environment, that he's never solicited advice or that

his coworkers considered him too fragile for feedback.

Well, I know I'm irreplaceable, but I'm sure we'll manage

to choose someone who can carry the torch once I've

collected my gold watch.


make a point of, ...をするようにしている


If you make a point of doing something, you do it in a

very deliberate or obvious way.




ex) She made a point of spending as much time as

possible away from Osborne House.


stretch, 背伸びして一段と高い目標を目指す


If you say that a job or task stretches you, you mean that

you like it because it makes you work hard and use all your 

energy and skills so that you do not become bored or

achieve less than you should.

ex) I'm trying to move on and stretch myself with something



solicit advice, アドバイスを求める


If you solicit money, help, support, or an opinion from

someone, you ask them for it. [FORMAL]

ex) He's already solicited their support on health care



irreplaceable, 取り替えられない、代わりが利かない、



Irreplaceable things are so special that they cannot be

replaced if they are lost or destroyed.

ex) There's one man who's considered irreplaceable.


carry the torch, (伝統、信条などを)支え続ける[守っていく]


If you say that someone is carrying the torch of a particular

belief or movement, you mean that they are working

hard to ensure that it is not forgotten and continues to

grow stronger.

ex) Since his death in 1985 his widow has carried the

torch of his Stalinist legacy.


その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現




Well, I make a point of asking job applicants in what way

the position on offer will stretch and challenge their 

professional capabilities.

It may indicate the interviewee hasn't worked in a high-risk

or creative environment, that he's never solicited advice or that

his coworkers considered him too fragile for feedback.

Well, I know I'm irreplaceable, but I'm sure we'll manage

to choose someone who can carry the torch once I've

collected my gold watch.


remuneration, 報酬

flashy jewelry, 派手なアクセサリー、けばけばしい宝飾品

err on the side of, ...しすぎて失敗する、必要以上に...である

self-deprecating,  卑下した、謙遜した

put the shoe on the other foot, 立場を逆にする 

rule of thumb, (経験から)一般的に言えること、経験則、一般則

talk dollars and cents, お金の話をする

to the point where, (...する)段階にまで、(...する)ほど

must-ask, 尋ねなければならない

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2011年5月19日 22:03に書いたブログ記事です。

ひとつ前のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/11 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (4) ★ 「英語が会社の公用語になる日」」です。

次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 2011/05/13 Lesson 3 Smart Job Interviewing (6) ★ TEDxTokyo」です。
