NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (5) 8/26 2010

lip-smackingly delicious って、


The Lip-Smackingly Top 10 Most Unusual And 
Strange Foods Around The World




Flavored Delights

■NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (5) 8/26 2010



if it's any consolation
worth the hassle
romantic allure
bent on mayhem
slip through
security net
have itchy feet
jet set
as glamorous as taking the bus


I make it a habit to check out the local culinary delicacies
when I go on a business trip.

I find that being away from the office for a few days gives
me a chance to chill out a bit.

I can catch up on reading books that have been gathering
dust on my shelf.

Very commendable.

culinary delicacy, おいしい料理
A delicacy is a rare or expensive food that is considered
especially nice to eat.

ex) Smoked salmon was considered an expensive delicacy.

chill out, のんびりする、リラックスする
= relax

To chill out means to relax after you have done something
tiring or stressful. [INFORMAL]

ex) After raves, we used to chill out in each other's

gather dust, ほこりをかぶる
If you say that something is gathering dust, you mean that 
it has been left somewhere and nobdoy is using it or doing
anything with it.

ex) Many of the machines are gathering dust in basements.

commendable, 感心な、りっぱな
If you describe someone's behaviour as commendable, you
approve of it or are prasing it. [FORMAL]

ex) The tone of Mr Kinnock's speech was commendable.

その他にも、次も押さえておきたい。[誌面の都合上省略] ★は重要表現
perk, (仕事に伴う)特典、役得
inveterate trenchman, いつもたくさん食べる人
road warrior, 出張によく行く人
lip-smackingly delicious, 舌鼓を打つほどおいしい


I make it a habit to check out the local culinary delicacies
when I go on a business trip.

I find that being away from the office for a few days gives
me a chance to chill out a bit.

I can catch up on reading books that have been gathering
dust on my shelf.

Very commendable.


if it's any consolation, 慰めになればいいのですが
worth the hassle, 面倒なだけの価値があって、煩わしさに見合って
romantic allure, ロマンチックな魅力
lingering, なかなか消えない、つきまとう
bent on mayhem, 大騒ぎを起こそうと心に決めている
slip through, ...をこっそり通る、...をくぐり抜ける
security net, 警備の網
have itchy feet, (新しい場所、職などに移りたくて)うずうずしている
jet set, ジェット族
as glamorous as taking the bus, バスに乗るのと同じくらい魅力的な

月別 アーカイブ


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このページは、Yoshinori Hondaが2010年9月 6日 22:16に書いたブログ記事です。


次のブログ記事は「NHKラジオ 実践ビジネス英語 Out on the Road (6) 8/27 2010」です。
